"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Cleptocrats


This is how Mark Steyn refers to the depraved public sector unions for deliberately slowing down snow removal service in New York City.

Steyn ... brilliant as ever!

The failure of big government ... more specifically, the failure of a unionized government! ... allowing the denial of emergency services for the commoners ... blood on their hands! Shame.


Steyn interviews Walter E. Williams ... Brilliance meets Brilliance! .... What?! does it sound like I'm sucking up to the right?  ... too bad ...

...  they are both correctly understand how the welfare state subsidizes bad behavior. ... how taxation destroys supply ... how subsidies create unnatural excess.


Caller says: "Sulphur Dust .. buy this to cleanup a broken highly toxic mercury laden compact fluorescent bulbs. Take off gold jewelry ... since mercury will bind to gold."

We have to add these two to the fourteen other steps one must do to clean up a broken CFL.

"... the dismal glow of a CFL" 

How is it we allowing this potential introduction of poison into the homes of America to be an acceptable trade off for simply using less electricity? ... or having the freedom to choose the warm glow of an Edison bulb?

I think that the people in charge of this ridiculous scheme have been exposed ... TO MERCURY!


"Sclerosis of America ... nation of regulators" ...


The Bluff

Someone brought up to me the story of the Hawaiian governor vowing to release Obama's birth certificate. He wants to vindicate Obama. He wants to show once and for all that Obama was really born in Hawaii. I noted that the governor is bluffing in his supposed willful determination to make public Obama's birth certificate. It is against the law for him to dig.

Although I don't know a lot of the details of the Terry Lakin trial, I do believe he was the victim of a kangaroo court. This guy got railroaded for even questioning Obama's status.

The whole birth certificate conflagration is a complete misdirection play anyway. The issue is that Obama is a dual citizen. Many of Obama's formative years took place as a citizen of Indonesia.

Citizenry involves developing one's allegiance to the homeland. This does not happen when one has been schooled in the international scene (especially in those crucial formative grade school years) ... in time developing a pining for the little missions of youth.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. This is why Obama is so focused on fulfilling the mission of his father, which was, Marxist revolution. His separation from his father helped turn Obama's fascination (and possible despair) with his fathers absence into an apparition of a laudable ideology. After all, to him, the mission must be really important if it keeps a father from his son.

The paradox is that the ideology, and the application of it, has proven time and time again that it is an unsustainable path of wealth destruction and future instability. Marxism is a pure waste of human capital ... corrosion of the soul ... tithing to the State ... for the chance of distributed blessings. For Obama, this is irrelevant. His outlook is forged by his idealized vision of his father's mission. Let me assure you ... that mission is not consistent with the vision of the founding fathers.

The constitutional requirement for natural born citizenship was written exactly for someone like Mr. Obama. The wisdom of the forefathers is constantly unfolding.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Politifact equals Politifarce

Thank you Wall Street Journal for debunking and rebutting Politifacts conjecture that the biggest lie of the year was the phrase, "government takeover of healthcare." In the Plain Dealer coverage of the issue a couple of days ago, they skewered wordsmith Frank Luntz for coming up with the phrase.

Politifarce is short-sighted in its view. While it is true that the means of production have not been confiscated by the government, the facts are that the capitalistic environment has been damaged. The government is setting up a situation whereby the private delivery of health services will "whither on the vine." Then the government can demonize the private industry and provide a convenient solution.

Here is just another example of how the authoritarians create a crisis in order to provide a solution.

Oh. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

.... goodbye free speech ... kind of like this

This is the perfect example of bye bye free speech in America.

"What? This guy is critical of the government? Investigate him! ... and of course take his gun away!" Thank you Big Sis Janet!

..."The regulators, regulating the stipulations of the bureaucracy, as outlined by the directive, as handed down by the bureau chief, as passed on by the panel of regulators, issuing a plan, deemed legitimate by the study committee, as ordered to convene by the conference" ... Blah, blah, blah.

The result to the taxpayer: "That will come to two billion dollars sir ... and oh, give me your gun!"


Thank you Matt Drudge ... where would we be without you.

Mark Steyn

Brilliant, humorous, satirical, insightful. There are not enough positive adjectives to describe Mark Steyn. He filled in for Rush the past two days. There is no glitch in the system when Rush takes a break. Steyn even transfers well to television. He recently hosted for Hannity, and I think he performed admirably. He looks like boxer ready to get into the ring; he then destroys the opponent with charm. This guy's star is burning brighter and brighter.

The point is, beyond the talents of people like Steyn, he and Rush and others reflect the thoughts of a large swath of America. They are not brainwashing us ... we are choosing them to articulate our firm beliefs (common law principles, rule of law, limited government, low taxation, fewer regulations, etc.). Steyn destroys the ability of the Left to label people like me a "Dittohead." This is why the corporatists and statists like Mignon Clayburn want to regulate the internet. Free market competition has given rise to an amazing thing called the Internet. The government could never have built such a thing. True, the internet started out as a military communication system. But had the government maintained complete control of the internet as it came out of the lab, we would still be years and years behind where we are today.

Speaking of the regulatory drag that government imposes, Steyn brought up a brilliant point yesterday. He said, "the only qualification you need to be a regulator is to know how to regulate." Then he went on to read the resume' of Mignon as she rose through the regulatory ranks. This is why what the FCC is doing is so dangerous. IT MUST BE STOPPED! The machine has created a problem out of thin air in order to create a solution ... free speech is treading dangerously folks! He referred to Mignon Clyburn and her father the "House of Lords of bureaucrats." He is right. This is how the micro regulation of all things emerges ... it is not a nascent arising. It is nepotism, the constant overlap of regulatory responsibilities, and duplication of services. PURE AND SIMPLE.


Steyn used the word mellifluous yesterday. It is not a word that emerges in an everyday conversation. But it certainly rolls off the tongue as if it were onomatopoeia. It turns out that it is? ... oh, the beauty of the language! As someone interested in wordsmithing, I find the unfamiliar to be a challenge. The word, in short, means "sweet sounding."

Someone called in and recommended Steyn to be press secretary in a 2013 Republican administration. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE! That would truly be blockbuster entertainment. Steyn has a teflon coating and razor sharp wit. He would drive the left to insanity! ... where they belong!

Steyn has a vivid command of the language and an ability to string a cogent phrase together on the fly. That's quite a talent.

During the show, he brought up the Diane Sawyer interview with Big Sis, Clapper, and Brennan. These are the people in charge of fighting terrorism. Look at Clapper when Sawyer asks him about the twelve arrests in London that day. This is disturbing. The head on national security is completely unaware ....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Palin goes grizzly on Michelle

I have been watching the Palin reality show ... I must confess. Alaska has always been a fascination to me. As a child, I remember wondering exactly how big it is. I remember seeing how the Mercator projection distorts the size of the real estate as the map moves away from the equator. But it is still a really, really vast expanse. I would love to spend a summer there ... I'll put that on the bucket list.

I guess there is a big controversy now. Palin took Michelle to the mat with an offhanded comment she made about Michelle wanting us to start avoiding desert. At the time, I thought the comment was funny. Apparently this was all the talk on The View today ... darn! I missed it. ... that was sarcasm folks.

Here's the point: If Sarah Palin wants to give her own kids Smores, that is up to Sarah Palin. It is pure hypocrisy for Michelle Obama to advocate that the government should take over those parenting decisions. It is just wonderful to see Michelle tending to her vegetable garden ... but only if you realize that it is pure theatrics ... something this dictatorship is quite good at. In reality, Barack is sneaking cheeseburgers out of the Whitehouse pantry and the whole family ritualistically shovels down ice cream while on many of their many vacations. Government wisdom is for the "little people" like you and me.

Ah the "tyranny of the regulatory state" .... as Mark Steyn would say!

Recent thoughts on Palin: She has more true grit than 90% of Americans alive today. She is like the cool Mom of your good friend in high school. She is a perfect example of the modern feminist ... except that she doesn't advocate murdering the unborn and she has an optimistic outlook on life.

Should she run for president?

I'm going to say no. She should only run if Hillary Clinton challenges Obama for the 2012 nomination. Even then, it would be dicey.

Palin is tainted. Let's not mince words. Just as Obama taints the office of the presidency by going on shows like "Mythbusters," Palin diminishes her presidential cred by doing reality shows. Palin would suffer against Obama because the sitting president (with the backing of the media) would use sexism to diminish her. She also would be marginalized for failing to finish out her term as Governor. This doesn't mean that Palin has diminished her brand. I'm bullish on that. Her brand screams of self-reliance, perseverance, stick-to-it-ivness, toughness, grit, and optimism. This is something America needs more than ever. I believe it was James Carville who said, "If Hillary loaned Obama one of her balls, Obama would have one and she would be left with two". Well I think Palin could spare a whole extra set! I know you goof balls on the left are screaming ... but who cares? ... not me! I think Palin qualities would be best implemented with her as Energy Secretary in a Tea Party friendly administration. Who will that candidate be? I'm not sure yet.

I like Chris Christie's swagger ... but he is governor of a left wing state. Any breath of conservatism is amplified because of the hostile nature of the environment in which it exists. I like John Thune. I like the business sense of Mitt Romney ... but I don't think he could ever live down the health care debacle in Massachusetts. Mike Pence is solid. I like Paul Ryan, the budget hawk. I like Bobby Jindal ... but I can't get over that clammy Republican response speech he gave after Obama's State of the Union Address. He is definitely not teleprompter friendly. The question is, "Who is the next Ronald Reagan? Palin possesses the optimism, but she suffers from a level of high camp (teasingly ingenuous and sentimental) that fifty percent of America will never get over.


The FCC is going to impose net neutrality. This is the snowball being kicked off the edge of the mountain. In time, we will have an avalanche that will bury our notion of free speech. This IS the beginning of the slippery slope! WAKE UP!

The internet is the perfect example of what happens when you allow freedom to be the dominant force in a society. Whole industries grow, expand, and become powerful. This is exactly what the government HATES! ... this government anyway.

Here is a perfect example of the government trying to fix a problem that DOES NOT exist!

We are dealing with a group of radicals. They must be defeated.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Moral argument against taxes

Income is a form of private property. This is the singular fundamental argument.

I agree Rush.

The government hates private property.

I knew this when I was six years old. This is because we still taught American exceptional-ism  way back in the 1960's when I was in grade school. We actually learned about the founding fathers back then. We actually learned about the words, "We the people" and what that meant. We learned about why the government was set up to be limited in its scope.

John Adams quote:

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as
sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and
public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.".

You don't have to buy something in order to convert private money into private property.

This is a pure and salient point. This is not rocket science. Every American should realize that just because we have lived with corporatism and a shift toward corporate statism (OK, technically they are the same thing), it does not mean we have no redress. Does anyone get this? Taxation argues against the idea of private property. The government takes the stand that the individual is participating in an economy whereby each one is dipping into the common pool of mothers milk. However, this authoritarian administration goes even further. This administration believes that they themselves should have their hands wrapped around the udder of the cow ... and they will decide how to pass around the squirts of the mothers milk. This administration has it exactly backwards. It is the exact opposite of what the founding father envisioned. WAKE UP!

What is next? ... sliding scales for speeding tickets? Fines will be determined on your ability to pay.

This is the mentality of the Left. This notion is a provocative thought. But based on the logic of the Left, this makes perfect sense. If the government can increase the fine on wealth creation (via progressive taxes ... the more you make the more they take), what would stop it from employing a similar method when doling out fines for speeding tickets? This plays along the lines that the government owns all property and that we citizens simply are bestowed the honor of tapping into it for a while. The Loony Left views you and me (the unwashed masses) like it views wildlife. We are to be managed and controlled. We need to be processed through the life cycle. This is why the Democrats are so up in arms about raising the estate tax to ONLY 35%. If they had their way, everyone would just make the government the beneficiary of his or her estate. After-all, it's not really your money. This is really how these idiots think!!

It's kind of like this land management bill that is being pushed under the radar. The government wants to scoop up thousands and thousands of acres and prevent economic activity from taking place on these lands. After-all, according to them, there really shouldn't be any such thing as private property. The government is just re-claiming what is rightfully part of its domain.

It's like this outrageous omnibus spending bill. This congress refused to pass a budget by October (as mandated by law), and now they want to dump a 1.4 Trillion Dollar spending bill on the laps of Americans three days before the end of the session. And why is this omnibus spending bill originating with Harry Reid? ... All spending bills are supposed to originate in the House. This government is operating outside of the constitution. Harry Reid wants to commit one more giant act of thievery before the new congress is seated. The government has already stolen the wealth of your grandchildren and your great grandchildren ... now it is going after your great-great grandchildren!

The preceding is a paraphrasing of a late segment of Rush.

The premise of his comments are in regular font.

My comments are in bold.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Government Thievery!

Government Thievery! That's what it is!! The more I see of this tax bill, the less and less I like it. As a matter of fact I hate it! And now here comes another two thousand page spending bill ... all dressed up with lard and waste. It comes out to almost 600 million dollars PER PAGE. This is exactly what we voted against  .... EXACTLY!! what we voted against just last month. In the spring, I wrote about what would be happening in this lame duck ... and yes ... it's all true. It is the dems that are holding the continuation of the tax rates hostage. Remember ... Liberals always accuse the other side of doing precisely what they themselves do.

I will be calling every Republican to plead with them to vote against this bill. Don't let the Democrats twist our agenda of smaller government by allowing them to use the throwing of a bone to the wealthy as a high stakes sweetener. Don"t fall for the bait!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meeting Glenn Beck

It was a pleasure to meet Glenn Beck tonight at the Strongsville Walmart. He signed my copy of Broke and my new copy of The Christmas Sweater. I would have liked to have had a brief conversation with him, but I didn't want to hold up the line. I did mention that I was one of those bloggers and slipped him a note with the Fishyspeech address on it. I hope he stops by. Here is what I would have said if I could have had a minute to chat.

1. People tell me that he and I could have been separated at birth. People tell me quite often that I look like Glenn Beck.

2. That I will always remember meeting him on the day that Judge Henry Hudson deemed that Obamacare is unconstitutional. Hooray! This makes me very happy.

3. That he really should be covering the birther issue. The kangaroo court that Terry Lakin is being subjected to is an outright assault on justice and fairness. I understand why Beck is avoiding the birther issue ... but this is a legitimate constitutional issue. It deserves some attention.

4. That I wish I was meeting S.E. Cupp instead of him ;~)   (see previous post)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Nothing suprises me anymore

After struggling with unemployment for a good stretch, and becoming a living parable of everything I detest, I have snapped up another job in the service industry.

After watching myself fall into a slothful and lazy lifestyle, I realized that I had to snap myself out of it. It is a fact of human nature that, by accepting the government dole, the rugged individual is pushed toward inertia and inaction ... this is the nature of things. The government squeezes another drop of heroin-like subsistence into my veins ... and before you know it, I'm addicted.They shouldn't do that to me ... It only gives me time to think about a new revolution.

So now ... I am back to work ... delving into a true aesthetic in life ... fine yet simple participation ... like art ... focusing on the composition of space ... through time ... the space between the notes is as much a part of the music as the notes themselves ... all is flowing ... there is beauty in the world ... a Lester Burnham moment (American Beauty). This is my state.

This makes me think of art ... here is one piece I am proud to own ... an original Ian Clark.

This makes me think of another work of art ... I know a lot of people would give me a hard time for this one ... but there is something about S.E Cupp that makes me nuts ... it must be the glasses! I can see how so many left wing women would just absolutely hate her guts. It's kind of a turn on to me ... I can't explain it. I think a date with her would be non-stop laughter and positive vibes ... and a whole lot of sarcasm!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The answer to the full body scan

I cannot take credit for this idea, but when I heard someone relate this to me, I thought it was spot on!

Here is a way to secure the flying public. A bomb proof room is constructed at the airport. The flier is placed in that room. He is then bombarded by a full spectrum radio frequency waves. He is then bombarded by all cell phone frequencies. He is then bombarded by a series of percussion waves. If the flier is packing explosives of any kind ... well ... he'll be blown up on the spot! There you go ... problem solved. You could pass the cargo through a similar type of machine. This is good. The terrorist is killed ... no innocent victims ... no need for a body cavity search!

Here is a list of the Republicans who voted for the Food Safety Act.  Here is yet another statist bill ... taking away American's rights and placing control of the food supply into the hands of Monsanto and the factory farms it controls. That's it! I decided that I'm going to buy a bunch of goats and I'm going to let them loose in my yard!!

Lamar Alexander (Tenn)
Scott Brown (Mass)
Richard Burr(NC)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
Judd Gregg (NH)
Johanns, MikeMike Johanns (Nebraska)
Richard Lugar (Indiana)
Olympia Snowe (Maine)
David Vitter (Louisiana)
Lisa Merkowski (Alaska) ... misspelling intentional!

Tea Party conference call

Thank You Jenn Beth Martin for putting this conference call together. All of the six men that spoke on the call were outstanding! Just from the content of the call alone, any one of these six men would be excellent choices.

Republican Study Committee

Jim Jordan (R-OH) This guy is from Ohio ... so I liked him automatically. He sounded very principled and resolute.

Louie Gohmert (R-TX) He said "it's not up to the government to make money for the taxpayers ... that's the taxpayers job." That's brilliant! This guy has a lot of heartfelt passion. You could feel the conviction in his voice.

Energy and Commerce Committee

Both of these guys were outstanding! TPP did an instant poll on who the listeners favored. Here are the results.

Barton 52% Very informative. He sounded pretty solid.
Stearns 34% I liked the comments by Stearns. He seemed more focused on jobs and cutting the capital gains tax. He also seemed more focused on trade issues.

I appreciated hearing the first question for Ellen. She brought up the whole Compact Florescent Bulb issue. That was the same question I had in mind. Thanks Ellen. I too do not see the wisdom of forcing these Mercury Bombs on to the pubic. How does introducing mercury into the environment improve the environment? Why should we expose the public to poison in an effort to reduce the carbon footprint? It's inane and insane.

This brings up Fred Upton. He was not on the call.

Upton 3%... no way! This is the man that gave is compact fluorescent bulbs. He also co-sponsored Cash for Clunkers. No thank you.

Appropriations Committee

Both of the guys for the chair listed below were great! I don't think it would be a mistake to have either of these two as chair of the appropriations committee. Both of these guys are on the same page and will strongly support the other. Either of these two would make a great chair for this all important committee.

Jerry Lewis (R-CA) I forget how he scored ... but obviously it was below 20%
Jack Kingston (R-GA) 80% I'm leaning toward Mr. Kingston. He seemed more succinct and clear in his remarks.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

North Korea

When my children were younger, I wanted to find a simple way to explain the difference between free market democracy and closed market totalitarianism. All I had to do was show them a picture like the one below.

"Look at North Korea." I would point to where all the darkness is. I would then point to the little dot of light and say, "This is the city where Kim Jong Il lives. He's the dictator of North Korea. He likes to have the lights on for himself. But he doesn't like the lights on for everyone else." Then I would point to South Korea and say, "Look at all the people there that have lights on at night. That place has a lot of freedom and democracy. Which country would you rather live in?" Of course, they both pointed to South Korea.

It's time to give South Korea some nuclear missiles. Either that ... or we're going to have to make some tactical strikes against the North's nuclear capability. I know this opens up a can of worms ... but what else can be done? We can wait for Kim Jong Il to finally kick the bucket and hope that his 27 year old son will be more level headed than his crazy old man. What are the chances? Somebody has to say, "Look Kim Jong, if you continue with this behavior, your wonderful facility with all of your centrifuges ... the one you like to show off to American college professors .... we will reduce it to a pile of ashes. You got it crazy fool?" Unfortunately, Hillary may be a little shy regarding the North Koreans. After all, wasn't all of that appeasing going on with Kim Jong and the transfer of missile technology to China via the Loral corporation going on during her husbands presidential administration? Yes it was. John Bolton ... we need you now.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hands off my Teabag!

Referencing Bill Maher's propensity to still refer to Tea Party activists as "Tea Baggers," the brilliant Rush Limbaugh came up with a new slogan for the weary masses (especially the masses waiting in line at the airport), "Hands off my Tea Bag!"

Down the line of the monologue, he posed the question,
"How far away is this from Checkpoint Charlie?"

I like this little article by Mark Hemingway

Exactly what I was thinking Rush.

This previous sentence points out a simple truth ... a truth that the left hates. Rush is my ditto head. He is the product of my constitutional American voice. He is the product of the constitutional American voice as a whole. He is exposing how the media coverage of the relatively few invasive incidences committed by the TSA is pumping up a frenzy. This is all done to steer the masses toward the scanners. Excellent point. Oh wait, Rush Limbaugh said that ... again ... he just said what I was thinking. He is my ditto head.

I wonder how much George Soros makes every time someone walks through one of his scanners ... Oh wait ... he only  used to own shares of Rapidscan. I guess he just sold his 11,000 shares last week. I'm still looking for the Hemingway article about it ... but here is another good article by him in regards to Soros.

Don't ever forget folks: We are on the side of the Constitution. Don't ever forget that the rule of law is on OUR side.

P.S. The first caller on Rush gave big Kudos to Mark Steyn and his two day fill in stint at EIB last Thursday and Friday. I completely concur ... as did Rush.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Let the march of the Hijab begin

I decided that I'm going to purchase a bunch of Hijabs and give them away to law abiding American women that are on their way to the airport. Perhaps I'll stake out the "Park and Fly" parking lot to set up my little Hijab stand. Then these law abiding American women can pat themselves down and avoid the invasion of privacy being perpetrated by the TSA. Go ahead ... click on the link to read about how mentally retarded the Federal Government truly is.

Here is a quote from the linked article:

"The head of Homeland Security has indicated the government is considering the request of an Islamic organization that has suggested Muslim women be allowed to pat themselves down during a full body search that is part of new enhanced procedures at airports."

Let me ask you this. What would happen if a blond haired, blue eyed, California girl decided to sport a Hijab as she approached the airport screening area? Would the TSA then profile this blond woman and question whether she was sufficiently "Muslim enough" to be eligible to do the self pat down? I guarantee that this is exactly what would happen. This government is retarded! They would figure out a way to fine the woman!

But hey, either way the "Dictator in Waiting" wins. If he cannot manage to create chaos and violence by shaking down the American public, then he can simply decimate yet another private sector business in the U.S. economy. Bravo!!!! Good job President "Oh Bummer."

Every American female flying this week (Muslim or not) should sport a Hijab.


If you get a chance, watch "The Real George Washington" on the National Geographic channel. You will get a look at the real man behind legend. He was quite crafty and courageous.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn was brilliant in his opening monologue this past Thursday. He said something along the lines that all 300 million sets of American genitalia are now up for grabs. There's something about Steyn's dry wit with his accompanying British delivery that you can't help but appreciate. He basically announced that the republic was dead. He effortlessly points out how so absolutely backwards this whole thing is ... shakedown grandma and Americans with prosthetic legs ... but don't dare look under the Hijab. Feel up every law abiding citizen ... but ignore that guy flying in from Yemen. Mincing no words, Steyn says that if we accept this we'll accept anything. Where is the probable cause? Should we accept giving away our fourth amendment rights? To me, this whole action is just a trial balloon to condition the masses to accept a leaning towards a police state. Where is the common sense? How about reading the flight manifest? How about checking the "no fly" list? Oh my God .... no .... that would be profiling!

He pointed how planes were driven into buildings on 911 because people followed standard procedure. The only way the fourth plane was thwarted was because of the actions of a group of passengers who would NOT follow standard procedures. They decided to storm the cockpit.

I hear no stories about any new diligence toward cargo inspection. We recently had explosives stuffed into printer cartridges. This plot was thwarted by Saudi intelligence. Do we step up security and inspection of cargo? Noooooo ... we shake down public.


But don't worry folks. John Podesta says the president can use executive orders and the armed forces to push through his progressive agenda. Why let the voice of the people get in the way? Right?

Is this acceptable to you?

Not to me!


I realize that my tone may be a bit sarcastic. My tongue may be a bit acidic. I know I may be labeled as a cook fringe guy. Perhaps I should lay off the gas a little bit. Many say I'm like "Glenn Beck" ... just more pissed off. Well let me tell you ... I was like Glenn Beck before Glenn Beck was like Glenn Beck. I was aware of George Soros way back in the day. I have been watching the currency and commodities markets for years and years now. I knew he was a nasty globalist way back in the 1990's. But like many Americans, I never gave a second thought that Soros would actually be ready to follow through. I never followed the trail of bread crumbs leading to his support of one radical left wing organization after another. Think what you will ... but no one person has done more to expose Soros for what he is than Glenn Beck. He's a nut job right? No ... because the real nut jobs are the birthers. Even Glenn Beck won't play the birther card ... well, I will play the birther card. I am not ashamed to be a birther. I believe we have been infiltrated by a usurper ... a changeling. Earlier this year I urged states to pass laws requiring that future presidential candidates prove their constitutional eligibility. It looks like a rep in Texas is making the attempt.

Good for you Leo Berman. Keep up the good work. Over the next year, I will be calling every Republican state representative in states with Republican majorities and Republican governors to urge them to introduce similar bills. Every single possible roadblock must be put in the way of the man-child dictator


An article just came out that says 1 in 5 Americans are mentally ill. I can here the jokes already. Rachel Maddow has probably already made the connection that surely most of the mentally ill are Teabagger friendly. Well I got news for you. My brazen and brusque commentary reflects the thoughts of many more Americans than the media would lead you to think. To me, it is mentally ill to believe that a system of government which has never worked in the past in any country on the planet will suddenly work now.


The decision in a New York courtroom this past week shows exactly why enemy combatants should not be tried in civilian courts. Out of 284 counts, Ahmed Ghailani gets nailed on one measly count of conspiring to destroy American buildings. A bunch of evidence gets thrown out because this terrorist was not read his Miranda rights. The evidence that shows he actually purchased the bomb making materials was thrown out. This is a miscarriage of justice. Non-citizen enemy combatants picked up in foreign countries DO NOT have the rights of American citizens ... plain and simple! Military tribunals have been used since the formation of our republic. There is no reason to move away from this form of meting out justice.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Don"t touch my junk

"Don"t touch my junk." You gotta love it! This is what one commercial airline flier said to the TSA agent when he confronted the issue of being subjected to "unreasonable search and seizure." He is flying on a terror target. So I understand the urge by the Feds to have more information ... but at what cost?  Here are the choices: 1) look at my naked body with backscatter radiation, or 2) just grope my whole body ... and my junk! Meanwhile CAIR comes out and demands that for women wearing the Hijab, the TSA screener should only touch the neck.

That's supposed to be reasonable?! buzzzzzzzzzz ....wrong!

So he walks away from his flight ,,, boom! his loss ... walk away. Oh? That's not good enough for you Mr. Federal government. Now you want to fine him $10,000? What crime did he commit by refusing to fly under your intrusive conditions. He walked away from a planned trip,  his money for the ticket refunded ... and yet this is not good enough for you? You want to fine him because what? ... he had a bad attitude about it? Nooooo ... he left a secure area ... so now he is whaaaat?  ... a terror suspect? Yet Napolitano is being pressured to make exceptions for the sake of the sensitivities of Muslims. This is outrageous!  THIS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS OUT OF CONTROL!! Not only that, this Federal government is inept to boot.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Go Browns!

On November 2 patriots all across America won. Despite the mainstream media downplay, this was a landslide ... an historic victory for Republicans. This was a repudiation of Pelosi ... a repudiation of Obama ... a shot across the bow ... a rejection of big government and big spending. This was America standing up for states rights! Thank you America.

Last Sunday the Browns beat the Patriots. This made me very happy. It was probably the best game I have seen the Browns play in fifteen years. There was a bit of irony around these parts. Patriots lost here on November 2, and the New England Patriots lost here on Sunday. This perpetually economically depressed region of Northeast Ohio returned the loony Dennis Kucinich and Betty "the buffoon" Sutton back to congress. We will never learn around here. I cannot wait until one of these seats is eliminated in redistricting!

I am really looking forward to the Browns vs. the Jets coming up here in less than an hour. It has been a long time since I could say that about a Browns team.


Browns lose 26-20 in OT in one of those "instant classic" games. A great game despite the outcome!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Real story of Thanksgiving

Anyone with a conscientious mind should put a tape recorder up to the radio speaker and hit the record button when you hear "The Real Story of Thanksgiving." What is that? It's a story about the opening act of the Pilgrims. It's about the political structure of the time. In a nutshell, the original setup was collectivism. The land was worked, crops were planted, animals domesticated, etc. However, the land was owned by the village ... not the individual. The men got lazy ... "why work when you can F**k!" After the dilution of the will, by means of the diminishing urges to be responsible, the early Pilgrims almost starved that first winter. Having no skin in the game kills motivation. That is what has been happening to us.

Hold up that microphone and push record. The next day go to your Thanksgiving event and push play. This may cause a bit of belching and groans ... just tell them to listen to the words. Don't let their predisposition to hate the messenger get in the way of the story. It is profound.

I wish this story could have been rendered by Paul Harvey.  I don't know if he ever did the story of the story behind "the rest of the story."

For now you will have to tune in to the EIB network, and Rush Limbaugh in the last hour of his show on the day before Thanksgiving.

What happened in the time between: almost dying as a group of founders because of a collectivist approach, to drafting a constitution to express the nature of individual responsibility and freedom, to stumbling today straight back to a collectivist approach?  Have we gotten that stupid?

How stupid do we have to be that we believe that: exposure of the environment to the five grams of mercury in a compact fluorescent bulb is worth saving  "x" amount of carbon output?  Perhaps the mercury in the bulbs is actually making us collectively stupid. It almost could make a good conspiracy theory. This ban of incandescent bulbs is the creation of an idiot Progessive Republican. This guy wants to lead the energy committee ... No Way!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oops! :Lawrence Odonnel

I like to DVR MSNBC and zip through it to see what the other side is up to. I actually caught Lawrence O'donnell when he basically said he's sick of the Progressives. He just came right out and said the he is a Socialist (we already knew that) and that he wants to confiscate all guns and provide Medicare for all. I'm not shocked at his positions. I was more shocked that the statement just kind of blew over ... like he was saying, "I'm hungry. I think I'll stop at Burger King on the way home."

Kasich will kill slow speed rail

Article Link

Kasich wants to kill high speed rail from Cleveland, to Columbus, to Cincinnati. Thank you sir. This whole high speed rail for Ohio is a boondoggle. If it was truly high speed rail ... like a 200mph high speed rail ... I might be for it. But this super high speed train will average 39mph ... wohooo! It will take six and half hours to get from Cleveland to Cincinnati. That's only one hour longer than it takes to drive there. Wow ... that's fast! Look at the picture below. It's a Soviet style housing compound. This is what the socialists want for us. "Yes my name is Jeff; I live in apartment 99, Block C, Row 8, of Commune 16, which is located at stop number 22A of the 3-C high speed rail line." No, No ... wait ... let's build a tunnel all the way under lake Erie, under the state of Michigan, under lake Michigan, all the way to Chicago ...yeah, yeah, yeah, lets do that!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Plain Dealer: The Rag That It Is

Here is an example of why the Cleveland area is so misinformed. The lead story is: Rubber costs drive tire prices higher. Despite the interesting double entendre for the consumer to consider, the real story is below the fold. The paper puts the inflationary pressure article at the top of the page. Down in the left hand corner we have the "You aint seen nothing yet my brother" article. This article is titled: A brief explanation of Fed's 'quantitative easing' program.

Don't you just love the word program.

The L.A Times article uses the term bolstering the economy in the first paragraph. The second paragraph tells us that we are basically stupid Americans by starting out with The term is a mouthful.

Here is how the article answers the question Where does the money come from?

"The Fed creates it from thin air, which it's permitted to do as the nations's central bank. But instead of printing actual cash, the Fed credits the accounts of banks and brokerages from which it buy Treasury securities."

Hopefully you just stop there and do not turn to page C4 to find out the dubious implications. To attempt to keep Northeast Ohio's population dim, we have a paper that would rather that you just get distracted and glance at the rest of the front page. To hell with profitability. I realize that this is the practice of journalistic tease ... make the reader want to turn the page and pass through the print ads. This is one newspaper that doesn't really want me to turn. This newspaper does not recognize the relative gravity of the news ... and what's really important.

This story is possibly the biggest story of the year getting shuffled under the cover of the election. The effect is going to be a quick heat up. Just as a bunch of Democrats are being frogmarched out to the Capitol building, the economy will "appear" to be turning up. Then the Dems will be saying, "All that good work is just now starting to pay off ... and you are pushing us out." Then when inflation accelerates next spring the Dems will say, "look, those folks get in and they instantly muck it up." This is very predictable.


Gary the numbers guy says that Obama is going to Mumbai to try to talk India into buying American bonds. We're about to be cut off by China ... so ... I think he might be right.

 This guy has a thing about the number 11 ... that significant things happen on dates that add up to the number 11. He points to the date of the Health Care bill signing, the date stimulus signing, Barrack and Michelle's birthdays, Clinton's birthday, date of the stock market crash in 1929, etc.

Well tomorrow is an "11" day
 ... Nov. 15th is an 11 day
... Nov. 23rd is an 11 day

15th Obama is in Asia.
23rd is the week after his return..

Interesting ...

Based on what I saw, I thought the stock market would take a dump as tax cuts would possibly expire.
Recent events force a reverse position.
The pumping of fiat cash will pump up the stock market. This along with the hope that the new blood in congress will stand firm and reign this monster in. Gridlock is good for Wallstreet.

The commodities markets are where the action is.

Bullish chart formations. Anyone want to fund me?

OHHHH ... IF I ONLY COULD HAVE HELD THE FIVE CORN CONTRACTS WAY BACK IN THE DAY ... JUST BEFORE THE HUGE BULL MARKET. I was so sure ... but entered the market three days early. If I could have held those I might have been a commodities trader today. Oh the lament!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Aesthetic Renewal

Are you a nude runner, unshackled by the encumbrances of waste, greed, and corruption? Am I?

... or are you a deer in the headlights? I refuse to be!


Ben Bernanke's Quantitative Easing part 2 was barely a blip on the radar screen for national news. Overshadowed by the election news, the story was squeezed in as a lead in to a human interest story. Probably the biggest pocketbook story of the day was treated as an offhanded twenty second blip!


The president is going to spend 200 million dollars a day of our tax money for a ten day trip to India. He's taking forty planes and 3000 people and 34 war ships. This is outrageous!


Betty Sutton defeated Tom Ganley to retain her congressional seat. Betty is the lefty loon that came up with the brilliant "cash for clunkers" legislation. This program was the stupidest, most moronic program that could possibly be devised. Think of all the energy that was consumed to manufacture those gas guzzling vehicles. To replace those vehicles, another manufacturing process had to take place. The manufacturing process alone canceled out any reduction in emissions that may have resulted... and the taxpayer had to cough up $5,000.00 to bribe that person to crush their 2002 V8 Ford Explorer.

So I want to say thank you to Betty Sutton. Why? Three years after I purchased my 2002 V8 Ford Explorer, the same dealer sent me a letter to let me know that they were experiencing a shortage of my type of vehicle (Golly Gee, I wonder why? I guess a bunch of them got crushed). They said based on condition they were able to offer me up to "x" amount of dollars for my vehicle. It just so happens that "x" turns out to be $1000.00 more than I paid for it!

Supply and demand ... that's called a "market force" Betty ... you dumb, dumb, lame excuse for a congresswoman! It's ironic that she beat out the owner of a string of car dealerships. He could have run on that single plank ... cash for clunkers ... and beaten her. Instead he falls victim to some conveniently timed sexual harassment allegation that Betty dredged up from the past.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Full Circle

On the Sunday before the 2008 elections I cut down a mighty tree. It was once a vital tree growing in tandem right next to a tree of a different variety. As a result of the development that was put in next to me, one of the two trees died. That was in late 2007. The summer of 2008 was the summer of its full demise. That fall, with a  sense of foreboding overtaking me, I decided to cut it down. It was sort of a guttural rejection to the mood ... it was a protest. I had just written "My Final Plea" to a very good friend of mine (see right hand column).I needed an outlet for the rage that I was feeling ... rage about the mistake that I suspected America was about to be make. So I cut it down chopped it up and burned it up ... incense to the world. It took a long time to finish off this tree. The wood was hard and it was a tall substantial tree. To me it represented the mighty and strong founding ideals that the forefathers put forward. I cut it down because I felt that these ideals were under assault. The intervening years have proved it to me.

Two years later this once mighty tree has been transformed into a wisdom chair.

Last week we had a good wind storm. The storm snapped a large branch of the willow tree out by the pond. Today I pulled out the chain saw and gladly began working on that thing. A day after the election and the resurgence of an awakened America., I savored the thought that this willow tree represents the weakness and rot of socialism.. The branches are very bendable but the core of the tree is susceptible to infestation and decay. WOW! That kind of reminds me of a leftist and/or progressive ... the rot and decay of collectivism, corporatism, statism, Stalinism, Marxism, Maoism, Fabianism, or whatever name you want to call it. Let's just call it anti-constitutionalism. I'm happy to cut this down and burn this branch.

Notice in the photo below ... how the core is rotted by infestation of wealth destroying insects. This is the Obama tree. Look to the right, this is what remains of Obamas tree house.

Teleprpmtor Alert!

I believe Obama may have shed the shackle of the teleprompters. Is he transforming? I mean true dictators don't need teleprompters ... It doesn't look authentic. I wouldn't doubt if the teleprompters go away more and more. It could be a great story for the lapdog media. TITLE: Obama: Teleprompter Training Wheels Come Off. SUBTITLE: Obama admits "it was a horrible crutch."

Man he looked pissed as he started out! I'm recording the rest.

He just said in his opening statement that we shouldn't try to re-fight the battles won over the last two years. In other words, he's saying,  "I have got the structure and the framework installed (see recent  Jon Stewart interview), now we must thoughtfully fill it out. We should not impede "progress" and tear down the framework that I have worked so hard to put into place."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Moving to: Idaho or Wyoming?

 Naw ... but I do love the West! I need to be in D.C. holding feet to the fire!

... I have lost the battle here locally. The delusional Kucinich machine held. Corrigan will go down by a mere nine points. Although this is the closest anyone has gotten in a long time, it's a Pyrrhic victory at best. It's progress against the progressive fringe guy. But a loss is still a loss.

2010: Kucinich (D) 53%, Corrigan (R)44%
2008: Kucinich (D) 57%, Trakas (R) 39%
2006: Kucinich (D) 66%, Dovilla (R) 34%
2004: Kucinich (D) 60%, Herman (D) 34%

I'm stuck here geographically in between Dennis Kucinich and Betty Sutton. I may need to leave this county. Perhaps John Kasich and the Republican dominated legislature can eliminate one of these seats. That would truly be wonderful. Make the little dweeb or the mind warped leftist run again somewhere less favorable.

Look at this guy! Does he look mentally healthy to yo? He looks like a guy that has a program or a plan for someone like me.

Cuyahoga county and Northeast Ohio in general deserve all they get. This part of Ohio is perpetually behind the times ... lagging ... lagging. Look how wonderfully we have developed the lakefront ... blah! WHAT A JOKE! There is perpetual economic malaise here. It's OK ... keep doing same thing ... the results will be same. Think about this. The FBI has taken out the Dimora/Russo corruption machine; The citizens voted to re-organize county government; Yet now we have voted back in a Democrat machine. We voted in Fitzgerald as the county executive.  Fitzgerald is the guy that was against the restructuring of the Cuyahoga county government from the get go. Judge Mcafferty, who is out on bond pending her trial in the local corruption scandal, garnered over 100,000 votes in a losing effort. At least she lost! This county will never learn! This is one of the dimmest swaths of any population I have ever seen.


John Boehner just gave a speech that brought a tear. He talked about working in the family bar ... "doin every dirty job." Here is a guy that is Bogart cool ... and yet overcome in moment. I think he revealed a sense of core value in this emotional speech. This heartfelt speech was a portrait of an American story. He is a kind of Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Reinforcements are on the way Mr. Boehner. Unfortunately Mr. Corrigan will not be there.


Harry Reid wins in Nevada. That was an easy call. According to the media, the corruption machine that flipped it for him is called "having a strong ground game." I believe this election was surely stolen.


That freak Alan Grayson lost. That makes me very happy. Rick Scott took Florida. Again, very happy. Lots of Governor Republican pick-ups. That's huge! A lot of state legislatures went Republican. Also huge. Feingold is gone ... beautiful!

Allen West won ... this is a strong African American conservative voice.

I'm Optimistic

I stood at my local polling location to push for Peter Corrigan. I would say that eight out of ten people gave me the thumbs up for Corrigan. People have been hearing "Dump Dennis"  for years and years. I think that the message is finally getting through. The choice is clear ... total government control, nanny state, higher taxes, open borders (Kucinich), or pro business, pro growth, pro jobs, lower taxes, secure the border (Corrigan).

The video below is a prime example of the ignorance of the Obama Koolaid drinkers. These are the people who put Obama over the top. Of course, Keynesian refers to an economic theory of John Maynard Keynes
not to the country Kenya. Yes, Obama subscribes to Keynes model. He subscribes to demand side economics. As a confirmed and stalwart birther, I find this video amusing.

How Stupid Do You Think I Am?

Nothing irritates me more than hearing that same stale piece of failed logic, "If we hadn't passed stimulus, it would be even worse than it is now." Or, "The stimulus helped us avert a second depression." Or, "We saved or created three million jobs." Of all people, you elite and highly educated lofty snobs should understand this failure in logic. This dumb uneducated commoner does. Most Americans do.

OK ... So I'm teeing off on a 170 yard par three. I hit this perfect shot ... swoosh. The ball is sailing pure. My ball hits the green and starts rolling toward the hole. Its now five feet away and looking like it might be on its way for my first hole in one! Suddenly an acorn hunting squirrel dashes across the green, right in the path of my ball, kicks my ball with his hind leg, and sends it eight feet left of the hole. I'm so rattled by this turn of events that I end up three putting for a bogey. Then I exclaim, "If that squirrel hadn't diverted my ball, I would have had my first hole in one!" WHAT? Wait a second. That ball was never closer than five feet. How could I possibly predict where it would have ended up? The ball could have rung around the back of the cup and lipped out to three feet. It could have hit the slope of the green just beyond the cup and rolled out another five feet. It could have hit the acorn that the squirrel had been chasing and kicked right. It's bogus and shoddy logic to make such a claim. Yet that same logic is good enough for our highly educated elitist president. Maybe he can take a cue from Chavez. Let's have the government take over all of the golf courses in the U.S.A. and turn them into wind farms. Wow! What an aesthetic release that would be!

Did this really happen to me? No ... but it could have ;~) ... or as Homer Simpson would say, "Schrodinger's cat ... Doh!"

Think about things like this when you step into the voting booth later today.

P.S. Obama stole my car and drove it into his ditch. Barney Frank is riding shotgun. I'm in the back ... not in the back seat. I'm outside pushing. Obama is flooring it, spinning his wheels, and getting me all muddy.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Half Fired Up Crowd

Let's just call this the half fired up crowd! I was on the floor of the Convocation Center at CSU. The floor was only half full. And as you can see from this video, nearly NONE of the upper level of the arena was occupied.

Obama was scheduled to speak at 1:00 PM. He graced our presence around 2:45 PM. The only section that filled up on the upper level was the section right underneath the giant black and white "Moving America Forward" banner.

Below is a picture of me holding up an Americans For Prosperity placard (thanks Rebbecca). Remember them? They were singled out by Obama as a nefarious group with a nice sounding name.

 ... what's that Obama? ... nefarious groups with innocuous sounding names ... you mean like "Campaign for America's Future." This group his been on a fear mongering campaign on the radio here in Cleveland lately. That truly is a misnomer ... should be Campaign for America's Failure. This Ourfuture website is connected to group called Institute for America's Future. This K street whore ... I mean K street lobby is supposedly a non-partisan organization. I don't buy it! All this is connected with CREDO, a George Soros connected group, no doubt.

... anyhow ... as you can see in the photo, the rafters are nearly empty. There was at least a twenty foot gap between the back of crowd of Obama worshipers and the vast array of media cameras. Next to the media stage, I could have played a nice game of Frisbee ... that's how empty the floor was! I was standing in front of all the press. If I had wanted to make a big scene, I could have easily garnered some national press. But why disgrace myself with antics. At one point when Obama was demonizing the "enemy" I yelled out "Thanks Barney!" The crowd turned around, looking a bit confused. I yelled out the same thing again and the crowd turned again confused. They obviously did not get the Barney Frank reference in the context of the Koolaid rally. I decided not to continue. According to the person who infiltrated with me, as soon as I yelled out the Secret Service came up right behind me. At least the bottled water was FREE! ... I don't know if it was really free ... It's possible that the taxpayers somehow paid for my free water. With this crowd, who knows?

Here is an impressionistic blowup of Obama in the background of the above photo ... Look! The Autocrat is calling us to his ward. Will I get to meet nurse Ratchet? "Don't forget to take your pill Mr. MacMurphy. This salt peter will calm you down ... you don't want to have any sudden entrepreneurial urges." Ha Ha ... There I go with my oblique references to "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest."

On the way to the rally I was walking by Carl Monday of Action19 news. His mike was down and he was kind of perusing the crowd. I walked by with my "enough" sign and was showing a good bit of vigor. He came up to me, with the camera rolling, and started to interview me. He asked, "What do you think of the fact that when Obama came to Cleveland during his campaign, he racked up $40,000.00 in extra security costs to the city of Cleveland and has yet to reimburse the city?" I said something like, "that's very typical .... what about flying his entourage all over the world, renting out every room in the Taj Mahal hotel? ... vacation after vacation ... constantly golfing! ... and what about golf? ... I've never seen the guy swing ... what is he? Kim Jong Il? ... shows us your scorecard Obama!" OK I'll admit, I went a bit off the rails. There is video out there of Obama swinging the club. But my point was this: He is exhibiting every telltale sign of an elitist authoritarian. At least Clinton admitted that he was a perpetual stroke shaver. Obama protects his personal image like a thin skinned dictator. The golf point is an example of just one of many manifestations of the elitist attitude. With the city of Cleveland, it is the same thing. It's as if Obama is saying, "The city of Cleveland should be honored that I am gracing it with my presence. Someone else will pick up the tab."

I see Obama as a mini Chavez. I was a bit fired up when I read that Chavez wants to confiscate golf courses in Venezuela and turn them into (so-called) better use. Sure Chavez, just destroy the game of golf like the Taliban destroys ancient Buddhist statues in Afganistan. What a tool! Hey folks ... Chavez is the model! Do we want to be Venezuela? Do we want to be France right now? I don't think so.

Here is what the enlightened green group was doing. Their shirts have a "kill coal" message on them. It's OK ... keep dancing ... Daddy will pay the electric bill! You're a great break dancer ... You must be right! The audio is horrible ... sorry about that ... trust me, you're not missing much. He sure had a lot of room to dance at the great and powerful Wizard of Obama rally.

When Obama started pulling out the tired old "car in the ditch" rhetoric ... I had to leave.


Obama will be here in Cleveland today for the "Moving America Forward" rally. It should be called the "Moving America Over the Cliff" rally.

Are you ready for this ride America?

Here's what is going to happen:

Tuesday's results: Massive fraud by Democrats will be masked and glossed over in favor of racial politics. Sheila Jackson Lee is already calling in the New Black Panther party to Houston. The race card will be played again ... all the while, thousands and thousands of troops will be prevented from voting due to the unlawful actions of several states.

Wednesday: We have the curiously timed start of the inflationary spiral. Bernanke has already announced that he will be spiking the economy through inflation. This inflation will be blamed on the soon to be new "do nothing congress."

The Interim: The lame duck congress will likely push through more liberty infringing laws before they leave town. We have known this for months.

Obama will get more and more angry over the next two years and use dubious executive orders to bypass congress. He has to do this to secure his dictatorship.

For those out there that still don't get it: YES ... OBAMA IS A FLEDGLING DICTATOR. If he doesn't get re-elected he will likely move on to the UN and become the world dictator that he so wants to be. He will be happy to hone his skills in the U.S. until 2016. But if he can't, I'm sure he would have no problem moving to the world stage.l

Friday, October 29, 2010

Felt This One Coming

As soon as I saw the emergency blurb .... I knew something was up! Don't laugh ... There was no announcement ... just a blurb. The weather is fine ... what's up?

Rush just stole my thought ... is this a real threat or just a little propaganda by the government? Is this Obama's misdirection play? Is this a little keep fear alive campaign ... Isn't it Colbert's turn to interview the Teleprompter in Chief?


 He just got a mention on Rush. Pete says "we're four points back and closing."

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Saw-yer hack job

I have to watch nightly news once in a while just too find out exactly why they are losing viewership. Last night started out with coverage of the terror arrest in D.C. I was making some food ... so I was more listening than watching. Plus Diane Sawyers lips kind of freak me out a little bit ;~) Eventually coverage rolled around to the irregularities at polling stations. Concerns about the voting process was liquidated into the case of ... can Connecticut keep voters away from the polls if they display WWE gear? That's it. The court says yes ... an lo and behold. The public has been saved from an evil attempt to electioneer at a polling place.

Nothing to my knowledge has been mentioned about the First Lady electioneering inside of a Chicago polling location. No mention of "curiosities" in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Florida, and North Carolina. We have voters in Maine that will be voting on a bill to allow illegal aliens to vote. All the while, overseas troops are being disenfranchised! No mention of eyewitness accounts of Sheila Jackson Lee electioneering in front of a polling station door . At this point there is rumor of SJL doing this. I will withhold my judgment on this since I haven't seen the purported video out there.

But ... Remember Sheila Jackson Lee and her beloved cell phone? Remember when she showed all that respect to a concerned citizen? Is this the voice of the people?

Here is a link to the group that SJL says is intimidating the electorate. I guess observation to her is considered intimidation.

... and here is a link that explains how fraud is encouraged through the Secretary of State project, funded by none other than ... George Soros ... another tentacle of this monstrous freak. Soros embarrasses my Hungarian heritage

Diane Sawyer skipped over any eyewitness accounts of shenanigans just mentioned. Instead she steers Bill Mahers "dumb America" into believing that this WWE controversy is an attempt at election fraud. Weak Sawyer ... real weak! Our instant access to information  allows Americans to see near eyewitness activity. We ARE SMARTER NOW. WE ARE PUSHING OUT THE FEEDING TUBE.

WE REJECT YOU .... NBC, ABC, AND CBS. You are not journalism anymore.

... and speaking of Bill Maher ... his idiotic statement about the hillbilly half of America and his dumb American dog comment ... You insult my intelligence Mr. Maher ... douche ...I won't embed this video and have his stupid face grace my page. You get a link idiot Bill.

I will however embed this video ... it's one of those hillbilly Americans asking a dumb question ... he is a bit long winded in his question ... but listen to his last sentence or two ... WOW! That's one lucid hillbilly!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Obama's Progressive Agenda

Obama is being straight up with Jon Stewart ... He basically said that the past 18 months has been an installation of the Progressive structural framework upon which more and more of the agenda will be built.

Translation: The dominos have been set up in the first 18 months. As they start to fall, America will become more unrecognizable and more unrecognizable as we go along.


And of course we need "structural changes"...  he wants to get rid of the filibuster ... You are a JACKASS! Mr. Manchurian President.

Paranoid Fraudsters Gives Corrigan a Shot in Cuyahoga

As we witness the reports of election fraud around the country, I think the local corruption shakeup in Cuyahoga County will give Corrigan a shot at getting in to the House. Is the vote buying machine and ballot stuffing operation in Cuyahoga County broken? I hope so.

Speaking of fraud, here's another good one.

... and another one

... and another one

Harry Reid will find a way to win. I have no doubt that he will win by stealing the election. If he doesn't, it will be a complete failure in the henchmen Vegas SEIU machine. This Union controls the servicing of the electronic voting machines ... you know .. the ones that are mysteriously automatically auto-checking Harry Reid for Senator. Pure coincidence! Don't forget this link. Angle needs a huge cushion to overcome these fraud attempts.


Now Stuart Smally is actually a U.S Senator. I think Harry Reid IS Stuart Smally.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More Ballot Fears

Turns out that there are some curious shenanigans going on in the Nevada Senate race in Reid vs. Angle. Reid's name pops up already checked in the electronic voting machine. Coincidence I'm sure. AAAAARRRGGG! Are we surprised? No ... it's the perennial platform of the left. Cheat to win. There were rumbling in Texas a couple of days ago. No we also have curiosities in North Carolina.

Neil Barofsky is now  exposing how the Treasury is changing its methodology in the way it determines how much the TARP program is losing. In other words, the rosier picture that Treasury is painting is attributed to the government creating a lie.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Obama



For all the dunderheads that don't understand Socialism ...

In Obama's perfect world ... trick or treating is still allowed but ... since the Socialist theory in action causes scarcity ... houses will only be allowed to pass out Milky Way bars. At the end of the night all forty-nine of the kids in the neighborhood get together and count how many Milky Way bars each person collected. Whomever collected the most Milky Way bars has to give 50% of their bounty to Obama. The next highest collector gives 49% to Obama, the next top getter gives 48%, and so on. Whomever collected the least doesn't have to give any of theirs to Obama. It doesn't matter that Susie spent all day on her costume and spent four hours trick or treating. She collected the most Milky Way bars. She must give up half of her bounty. And it doesn't matter that Joey made a costume in five minutes by cutting three holes in a paper bag and only spent a half hour trick or treating. He has the least number of Milky Way bars. He gives nothing to Obama. Now after Obama scoops up his percentage of the total bounty, all of the kids put all their remaining Milky Way bars together and split the rest up evenly among themselves. What does Obama do with his Milky Way bars? Well he trades them in for Kit Kat bars, Three Musketeer bars, and Snickers bars that have been set aside for the "special" people.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Ballot Fears

Just about any way you look at the current polls, Republican and Tea Party candidates are likely to easily grab more than the 39 seats needed to re-take the house.

Pelosi seems very confident that the Democrats will retain control. Then Axlerod tells us not to go to bed early on election night. He is telling us that the Democrats, in essence, will pull off some stunning upsets. Robert Gibbs, who once said that the Republicans would almost surely regain control of the house, is now changing his tune. He believes the Democrats will now retain control.

Hmmmm? I believe they may know something that the public does not. Think about it. How hard would it be to bribe an election official in a key precinct to hack the numbers in the Democrats favor? After all, what's a million dollars of "Stimulus" money? It's a drop in the bucket! The corrupt machine could give a million dollars to a thousand corrupt officials. After all, what's a billion dollars in "Stimulus" money? ... a bucket of water out of a bathtub! No big deal.

Why are these top Democrats suddenly so confident?

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Open Letter to Rush


Yesterday you revealed that Medicare is purchasing air time on your show to put out so-called public service announcements. The spot started out well enough (how Medicare is working to stamp out fraud), but it quickly descended into blatant propaganda for Obamacare.

This is a potential public relations pitfall for you. NPR takes money directly from the government and you take money from the government indirectly in the form of justifiable confiscatory advertising rates.

Well this cannot stand! It makes you look like a sell out for accepting their ad money. So ... you should publicly announce your awareness of this image dilemma. Your solution would make the left CRAZY!!

You take their side! Let me explain.

You set up a trust fund, say called the "Patriot Trust" or "Tea Party Trust." (he-he-he).  Into this trust you deposit all ad revenue from government sponsored entities. Now. Since it is our tax money that is paying for the ads that the left is using to propagandize to us (your audience), you have the duty to re-distribute the wealth of the trust fund back out to YOUR listeners. WE ARE YOUR "UNION" MEMBERS. After all ... isn't that what the government is doing? They are re-distributing to THEIR audience.

Of course, how you divvy up the money is entirely up to you. You would have to set up a secret investigative arm to vet all individuals that would potentially benefit from your re-distribution network. George Soros has his ... you have the right to yours. This extra expense of bureaucracy will force you to raise your advertising rates (taxes). But it's government money ... they can afford it! Or should I say my grand kids will cough it up some day.

But it doesn't stop here. Why reward just your audience? There are many patriots out there that have just recently awakened to the statist power grab underfoot. They are not necessarily listeners of your program. So now you have to up the stakes. First we find other patriots that are benefiting from government cheese in some way. We get them to pledge their indirect Federal income stream directly to the "Tea Party Trust." While this is all incubating, you set up a plan to distribute a portion of the fund to registered Republicans who will pledge to abandon the GOP and join the New Tea Party. At some point you could open up your re-distribution plan to conservative Democrats who have been abandoned by the radical left. How you would do this, I don't know.

This is the plan if you wanted to take the step of marginalizing the GOP to minority third party status. If you just want to use this for illustrative purposes, you could pledge the money to Facebook fans. That would set up a problem. Democrats would be stampeding to your Facebook page. You would still have find a way to make the fans prove that they were not Democrats.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm Predicting a Corrigan Victory

I have been making phone calls to independent voters on behalf of the Corrigan campaign. Let me say for the record that those undecided voters will likely break for Corrigan. There are a lot of people out there that have voted Dennis as a default candidate and will not do it again. Everybody ... and I mean EVERYBODY knows about the little plane ride he took with Obama just before the health care vote. They realize that he was holding out because the bill DIDN'T GO FAR ENOUGH in his opinion. He is a nanny state Socialist and everyone knows it!

Mr. Corrigan addresses the repatriation of corporate profits in the default video on his homepage. This speaks to the issues raised by the Cisco CEO in the article linked in my previous post. Curiously ABC World News did an expose tonight about how Google avoids outrageously high American corporate taxes by keeping foreign profits overseas. Finding ways to encourage companies to repatriate foreign profits will go a long way toward stimulating the economy. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! I believe ABC demonized these companies in their little hit piece. Instead of saying something like, "this is what the second highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world leads to," they scowl and frown about the evil nature of this practice.

... AND AS TO THE FIRING OF JUAN WILLIAMS ... The left is ready to play hardball. The left is eating their young ... bowing to the pressure of CAIR ... hypocritically axing a prominent African American journalist. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson ... where are you? NAACP ... where are you.

VIVIAN SCHILLER IS AN ELITIST SNOB. She insults the man she just fired by suggesting he may need a psychiatrist.

This is retribution for his Fox News asssociations ... nothing less.

... and go figure ... George Soros just pumped in 1.8 million dollars to NPR. What a crazy coincidence.

John Chambers Article

Here is a link to the article that Rush was referring to in his second hour monologue today. Here is the gist of the article. Because of the outrageous and punitive level of taxation in this country, corporations are keeping foreign profits overseas. Repatriating the profits would cause a huge tax bite to be inflicted upon the corporation. The CEO of Cisco suggests that relaxing the repatriation taxes would encourage company's to bring that money back to the U.S.

It makes sense. What would you (the Feds) rather have, five percent of a trillion or forty percent of zero?

But of course this is the argument that the statists and leftists do not understand. They still haven't figured out that when taxes are reduced revenues actually go up. A: increased compliance B: increased economic activity.

It's so freaking simple!! But I keep forgetting ... it's not about revenue, and fiscal responsibility, and things THAT WORK. It's about control. It's about the loss of your individual liberty in favor of the collective so-called good.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"I am a Madman"

It's either a "yes I'm a madman" moment or it's a "wait the voices in my head are being downloaded into the teleprompter" moment.


Rush is on fire in the first hour. He is calling out the GOP. He is talking about the GOP becoming a ten percent third party minority ...and a mass defection to the Tea Party! WOW! THAT IS BIG!

My translation (for those who accuse me of being a Dittohead): The reality is that this is not Democrat vs. Republican. This is about big federal government vs. limited constitutional government ... It is far beyond Liberal vs. Conservative. It is Statist Serfdom vs. Constitutional Freedoms. If the statists on the right do not leave you will be forced out at the ballot box!

This was a powerful line in the sand kind of moment.


I guess it was. Darrell Issa was on the air with Rush within the hour.


Although I don't catch Glenn Beck on Fox often enough, I had him on today. He references more rare historical documents than anyone in the game. You have to give him kudos on dismantling the sum total of progressive revisionist history and the current state of their agenda.

..... Then Beck offhandedly insulted all bloggers, stereotyping the bloggers in HIS OWN audience. He dentifyed them as World of Warcraft addicts with Cheeto dust on their fingers. That was very demeaning to me, gamers of all sort (not really me), and Cheeto lovers everywhere (sometimes me).

Then he throws down the gauntlet on Soros ... challenging him to come on to the show mano y mano for one hour. Should that happen, I think Soros would bitch slap Glenn Beck right off the rip! ... that is ...  before Beck starts hitting Soros with the facts. Beck is a sad clown ... but Soros really is a "spooky evil dude." For this you and I will have to forgive Beck's childish manner and idiosyncratic ways ... and his insults.

... He should immediately apologize to every viewer. He should not insult the people who most understand the gravity of the evidence he himself is providing. He should not insult the people that explain the information to others without the burden of the investigative court jester's (Beck's) cumbersome immaturity and sarcasm.

He is still the best at connecting the dots. His magnetic portrait and logo collection of  interconnected socialist radicals and the organizations they support is growing so large that he may run out of studio space. ;~)