"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn was brilliant in his opening monologue this past Thursday. He said something along the lines that all 300 million sets of American genitalia are now up for grabs. There's something about Steyn's dry wit with his accompanying British delivery that you can't help but appreciate. He basically announced that the republic was dead. He effortlessly points out how so absolutely backwards this whole thing is ... shakedown grandma and Americans with prosthetic legs ... but don't dare look under the Hijab. Feel up every law abiding citizen ... but ignore that guy flying in from Yemen. Mincing no words, Steyn says that if we accept this we'll accept anything. Where is the probable cause? Should we accept giving away our fourth amendment rights? To me, this whole action is just a trial balloon to condition the masses to accept a leaning towards a police state. Where is the common sense? How about reading the flight manifest? How about checking the "no fly" list? Oh my God .... no .... that would be profiling!

He pointed how planes were driven into buildings on 911 because people followed standard procedure. The only way the fourth plane was thwarted was because of the actions of a group of passengers who would NOT follow standard procedures. They decided to storm the cockpit.

I hear no stories about any new diligence toward cargo inspection. We recently had explosives stuffed into printer cartridges. This plot was thwarted by Saudi intelligence. Do we step up security and inspection of cargo? Noooooo ... we shake down public.


But don't worry folks. John Podesta says the president can use executive orders and the armed forces to push through his progressive agenda. Why let the voice of the people get in the way? Right?

Is this acceptable to you?

Not to me!


I realize that my tone may be a bit sarcastic. My tongue may be a bit acidic. I know I may be labeled as a cook fringe guy. Perhaps I should lay off the gas a little bit. Many say I'm like "Glenn Beck" ... just more pissed off. Well let me tell you ... I was like Glenn Beck before Glenn Beck was like Glenn Beck. I was aware of George Soros way back in the day. I have been watching the currency and commodities markets for years and years now. I knew he was a nasty globalist way back in the 1990's. But like many Americans, I never gave a second thought that Soros would actually be ready to follow through. I never followed the trail of bread crumbs leading to his support of one radical left wing organization after another. Think what you will ... but no one person has done more to expose Soros for what he is than Glenn Beck. He's a nut job right? No ... because the real nut jobs are the birthers. Even Glenn Beck won't play the birther card ... well, I will play the birther card. I am not ashamed to be a birther. I believe we have been infiltrated by a usurper ... a changeling. Earlier this year I urged states to pass laws requiring that future presidential candidates prove their constitutional eligibility. It looks like a rep in Texas is making the attempt.

Good for you Leo Berman. Keep up the good work. Over the next year, I will be calling every Republican state representative in states with Republican majorities and Republican governors to urge them to introduce similar bills. Every single possible roadblock must be put in the way of the man-child dictator


An article just came out that says 1 in 5 Americans are mentally ill. I can here the jokes already. Rachel Maddow has probably already made the connection that surely most of the mentally ill are Teabagger friendly. Well I got news for you. My brazen and brusque commentary reflects the thoughts of many more Americans than the media would lead you to think. To me, it is mentally ill to believe that a system of government which has never worked in the past in any country on the planet will suddenly work now.


The decision in a New York courtroom this past week shows exactly why enemy combatants should not be tried in civilian courts. Out of 284 counts, Ahmed Ghailani gets nailed on one measly count of conspiring to destroy American buildings. A bunch of evidence gets thrown out because this terrorist was not read his Miranda rights. The evidence that shows he actually purchased the bomb making materials was thrown out. This is a miscarriage of justice. Non-citizen enemy combatants picked up in foreign countries DO NOT have the rights of American citizens ... plain and simple! Military tribunals have been used since the formation of our republic. There is no reason to move away from this form of meting out justice.