"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Moral argument against taxes

Income is a form of private property. This is the singular fundamental argument.

I agree Rush.

The government hates private property.

I knew this when I was six years old. This is because we still taught American exceptional-ism  way back in the 1960's when I was in grade school. We actually learned about the founding fathers back then. We actually learned about the words, "We the people" and what that meant. We learned about why the government was set up to be limited in its scope.

John Adams quote:

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as
sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and
public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.".

You don't have to buy something in order to convert private money into private property.

This is a pure and salient point. This is not rocket science. Every American should realize that just because we have lived with corporatism and a shift toward corporate statism (OK, technically they are the same thing), it does not mean we have no redress. Does anyone get this? Taxation argues against the idea of private property. The government takes the stand that the individual is participating in an economy whereby each one is dipping into the common pool of mothers milk. However, this authoritarian administration goes even further. This administration believes that they themselves should have their hands wrapped around the udder of the cow ... and they will decide how to pass around the squirts of the mothers milk. This administration has it exactly backwards. It is the exact opposite of what the founding father envisioned. WAKE UP!

What is next? ... sliding scales for speeding tickets? Fines will be determined on your ability to pay.

This is the mentality of the Left. This notion is a provocative thought. But based on the logic of the Left, this makes perfect sense. If the government can increase the fine on wealth creation (via progressive taxes ... the more you make the more they take), what would stop it from employing a similar method when doling out fines for speeding tickets? This plays along the lines that the government owns all property and that we citizens simply are bestowed the honor of tapping into it for a while. The Loony Left views you and me (the unwashed masses) like it views wildlife. We are to be managed and controlled. We need to be processed through the life cycle. This is why the Democrats are so up in arms about raising the estate tax to ONLY 35%. If they had their way, everyone would just make the government the beneficiary of his or her estate. After-all, it's not really your money. This is really how these idiots think!!

It's kind of like this land management bill that is being pushed under the radar. The government wants to scoop up thousands and thousands of acres and prevent economic activity from taking place on these lands. After-all, according to them, there really shouldn't be any such thing as private property. The government is just re-claiming what is rightfully part of its domain.

It's like this outrageous omnibus spending bill. This congress refused to pass a budget by October (as mandated by law), and now they want to dump a 1.4 Trillion Dollar spending bill on the laps of Americans three days before the end of the session. And why is this omnibus spending bill originating with Harry Reid? ... All spending bills are supposed to originate in the House. This government is operating outside of the constitution. Harry Reid wants to commit one more giant act of thievery before the new congress is seated. The government has already stolen the wealth of your grandchildren and your great grandchildren ... now it is going after your great-great grandchildren!

The preceding is a paraphrasing of a late segment of Rush.

The premise of his comments are in regular font.

My comments are in bold.