"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Palin goes grizzly on Michelle

I have been watching the Palin reality show ... I must confess. Alaska has always been a fascination to me. As a child, I remember wondering exactly how big it is. I remember seeing how the Mercator projection distorts the size of the real estate as the map moves away from the equator. But it is still a really, really vast expanse. I would love to spend a summer there ... I'll put that on the bucket list.

I guess there is a big controversy now. Palin took Michelle to the mat with an offhanded comment she made about Michelle wanting us to start avoiding desert. At the time, I thought the comment was funny. Apparently this was all the talk on The View today ... darn! I missed it. ... that was sarcasm folks.

Here's the point: If Sarah Palin wants to give her own kids Smores, that is up to Sarah Palin. It is pure hypocrisy for Michelle Obama to advocate that the government should take over those parenting decisions. It is just wonderful to see Michelle tending to her vegetable garden ... but only if you realize that it is pure theatrics ... something this dictatorship is quite good at. In reality, Barack is sneaking cheeseburgers out of the Whitehouse pantry and the whole family ritualistically shovels down ice cream while on many of their many vacations. Government wisdom is for the "little people" like you and me.

Ah the "tyranny of the regulatory state" .... as Mark Steyn would say!

Recent thoughts on Palin: She has more true grit than 90% of Americans alive today. She is like the cool Mom of your good friend in high school. She is a perfect example of the modern feminist ... except that she doesn't advocate murdering the unborn and she has an optimistic outlook on life.

Should she run for president?

I'm going to say no. She should only run if Hillary Clinton challenges Obama for the 2012 nomination. Even then, it would be dicey.

Palin is tainted. Let's not mince words. Just as Obama taints the office of the presidency by going on shows like "Mythbusters," Palin diminishes her presidential cred by doing reality shows. Palin would suffer against Obama because the sitting president (with the backing of the media) would use sexism to diminish her. She also would be marginalized for failing to finish out her term as Governor. This doesn't mean that Palin has diminished her brand. I'm bullish on that. Her brand screams of self-reliance, perseverance, stick-to-it-ivness, toughness, grit, and optimism. This is something America needs more than ever. I believe it was James Carville who said, "If Hillary loaned Obama one of her balls, Obama would have one and she would be left with two". Well I think Palin could spare a whole extra set! I know you goof balls on the left are screaming ... but who cares? ... not me! I think Palin qualities would be best implemented with her as Energy Secretary in a Tea Party friendly administration. Who will that candidate be? I'm not sure yet.

I like Chris Christie's swagger ... but he is governor of a left wing state. Any breath of conservatism is amplified because of the hostile nature of the environment in which it exists. I like John Thune. I like the business sense of Mitt Romney ... but I don't think he could ever live down the health care debacle in Massachusetts. Mike Pence is solid. I like Paul Ryan, the budget hawk. I like Bobby Jindal ... but I can't get over that clammy Republican response speech he gave after Obama's State of the Union Address. He is definitely not teleprompter friendly. The question is, "Who is the next Ronald Reagan? Palin possesses the optimism, but she suffers from a level of high camp (teasingly ingenuous and sentimental) that fifty percent of America will never get over.