"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Friday, October 5, 2012

Twitter is sucking the life out of me 140 characters at a time

I finally succumbed to the lure of Twitter! It was something I swore would never happen. I blame Dana Loesch, Sonnie Johnson, and Michelle Malkin. At the Occupy the Truth event in Cleveland, they kept talking about how Twitter and social media would dismantle the arrogant, mainstream, lapdog media. So I gave another look at Twitter. Now that I'm addicted to Twitter, I have to agree that this tool is surely a game changer! To get to my Twitter link, go to my latest blog www.iseebreitbart.blogspot.com.

Earlier this evening I attended the Black & White tour with Matt Kibbe and Deneen Borelli. I just started reading Deneen's book Blacklash. I am fascinated by her descriptions of the events leading up to the election of Barack Obama. I am reading the words that I could have written. So far, she is hitting it straight down the fairway.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

turnaround guy vs. runaround guy

Sunday, September 2, 2012

convention times

OK ... so I missed it all ... no cable ... no recaps ... just bits and pieces ... sound bytes on the radio. The party is over. The balloons fell.

Around the corner, the Dems will be doing their schtick. Are you ready for Romney to be attacked by name. How many times will you hear Romney's name mentioned with contempt. How many times will he be personally demonized. I am leary of the Republican's using the, "Mr. Obama is not a bad man, just a bad president" approach. In my mind, the dubious intentions of Obama make him a bad man and a bad president!

Zach Reed is on the radio interviewing Tim Ryan from Youngstown and Martha Fudge from Cleveland. Tim Ryan sounds somewhat level headed ... But Martha Fudge is literally out of her mind and completely delusional. To her, any Republican that shows the least bit of backbone is an extremist, a war monger, or a hater. She is drinking the Obama koolaid in gulps ... not sips!

It's time to take off the mitts Mitt! You have to go after his ideology AND his intentions.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Captions for the Obama vs. Romney boxing match

I sing to the Tea Party ... "You are like a hurricane, there's calm in your eye." I would love to be hunkered down in Tampa next week! Ahhh ... I wish I was going. That hurricane force blowing around down there is the Tea Party pushing you country club republicans into growing a backbone! That's right! Sonnie Johnson was right! We ... yes we! are going to take back this country and stand up to the Marxist ideology that has invaded this country. Amen!

I have yet to see "2016" or "Batman Rises." I will make it a point to see them both. But "2016" has to have the Obama camp shakin in their shorts! The sheer popularity of it has to make them see that the media delusion machine is not working. The public is starved for contrarian opinions.

As for Batman ... I hate to have formed an opinion before seeing the movie, but I believe that the antagonist/villian is Bane. From what I have heard, his actions are similar to the Occupy movement. To me then "Bain" represents Wayne Industries. Obama is fighting Romney like Bane. Romney has been fighting Bane as Bruce Wayne. Romney has dished a few Batman-like zingers lately. I am liking the change of style. It is important to defeat Obama by exposing his INTENTIONS! Only Batman can get to this aspect of Obama. He cannot be defeated through ordinary logic.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mitt Romney

This is my first attempt at Romney. I tried to develop the caricature of a boxer. What would Romney look like if he were a superhero boxer.

... because, let me tell you, he is seriously jumping into the ring next week. I wish I could be there.

"Ding, Ding, Ding!"

"Now stepping into the ring, bouncing off the ropes of the radical left, the dubious destroyer, the bamster with no answer, the master in rhyme of debt and decline, executive dabbler in  Thugocracy incorporated,  Baraaaaaaaack Ooooooo ...... bama!!!!!

and ...

Ladies and gentlemen, on your right (or moderately to your right), savior of the Olympics, all-round good guy, family man, business builder, executive leader, believer in America, leader of the American renaissance Mitttttttt Rommmmmmney!!!!!

So we have in this match  "Bane vs. Bain"

More specifically, we have Bane Insane vs. Sane Bain

We have Sane Bain ... which is Baskin Robbins 33 flavors. "Choose your flavor. The customer is the boss."
Bane Insane ... Baskin Robbins ... One flavor ... "Shut up and eat your ice cream! ... just be happy your're getting some!"

Michelle Malkin, Dana Loesch, Sonnie Johnson, Occupy the Truth

Occupy the Truth rally at Willard Park. This is the charisma of the Tea Party movement. The following clip demonstrates a profound intention of three unique women.

Dana Loesch, Michelle Malkin, and Sonnie Johnson

Dana Loesch under the Cuyahoga River Valley Bridge
 ... the target of the Occupy anarchists.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama. Liar. Hopium.

Joe Biden just said to a meager gathering of predominantly of African American Obama supporters that Romney was going to "unchain Wallstreet and put ya'll back in chains." He is stoking the flames of class warfare and racism. This is Joe Biden's own particular brand of Hopium. Perhaps I should label that as Hypium.

Obama and his surrogates are saying that Romney would destroy Medicare. All the while Obama is robbing the Medicare program of 700 Billion dollars to fund Obamacare. He has no plan to save Medicare. With Obama, it would "wither on the vine."

That is an example of Obama's particularly strong and pure brand of Hopium.

Seniors should be clawing their way to the ballot box to vote for Romney. The reform plan does not effect them and will preserve it.

This Romney VP pick of Ryan is looking more and more brilliant by the minute!

Obama is out there today talking about the resurgence of GM. Too bad for Obama that Toyota is back on top. Funny, the only reason that GM got back on top is that Japan had a horrible tsunami. Japan's auto industry had to shut down for GM to get to the top! But of course, Obama used the tsunami as part of an excuse for a slow economy.  .... More Hopium.

It is an addiction to a contradictory message. The soaring message of intention is followed by actions which have the opposite effect.

Folks: You have to realize that Obama lies every single day.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan ... YES!!! This pick is a bold stroke of genius on the part of Mitt Romney! Paul Ryan sings to the Tea Party. Limited Government! Deficit reduction! Values! Vision! Business friendly.  He believes, as I do, that this great country is not just a land or territory. It is an idea. Restore the idea; Restore the country. Brilliant!

Tea Party strong in Independence ... my favorite name of any city or state of mind.

We have had enough of "Debt, doubt, and despair."

Congratulations to P. Ryan

Also, congratulations to my cousin Ryan P.  He is getting married in a couple of hours! This is a joyous day!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This video is almost better than the original. Listen to the words.

This is the disgruntled anti-war voice.

It is also the voice of someone concerned with the personal  issue of post graduate joblessness. He sings of moving back in with his mother.

She questions the logic of a Nobel Peace prize winner having a "kill list."

They question his pot smoking days. "We don't need to legalize. Just keep the Feds away from folks like you when you were younger." That's a great line.

The bloom is completely off the rose. These kids are feeling the thorns. I think the young voter sentiments have turned around quickly. The idealistic twenty year old kids that bought into and abused Hopium are growing up quick. Nothing expresses this better than the video below.

The past few weeks have been loaded with disgusting acts of violence. I won't even comment on all of this.

The Tea Party denounces these evil acts. 

We reject tyranny, despotism, collectivism, and totalitarianism in all its forms.

CNN recently interviewed the creators of this video. 


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rush is hitting on all cylinders

Rush is hammering home that this campaign is not about Romney and it is not about the economy. He is spot on! We are in danger of Romney putting on his McCain oven mitts! This is the wrong tack.

Obama is a walking disaster. He just guaranteed that the middle class will see a HUGE tax increase in a couple of years.  He wants to keep the current tax rates for everybody EXCEPT the wealthiest. This is the class warfare magician at work. Turn away America! Turn away!

Rush is, and has been, pointing out that this unemployment economy is not like the unemployment economy of the 1930's. The subsistence provided today makes it not so painful. Hell, the government is proud of the fact that we have record numbers on foodstamps. This is the Orwellian world of Newspeak.  It's  true. To me, this alleviation of pain (by means of a government handout program), is just a slow bribe to accept the government intrusion in every other facet of life.

My goal in this election is to get the unemployed to vote for employment rather than permanent subsidies. As friends and neighbors of the unemployed, we must appeal to their sense of human dignity. I believe that half of the unemployed are chronic dependents. The other half don't want to be where they are. They have aspirations to create, invent, be part of a team, and attain meaningful employment. Those people need to root out Obama. It is up to them.

It is up to all of us!

So the big buzz is that Rush has called out the Romney camp. This campaign is about Obama not about Romney. This is a fire storm for the "Remove Obama" campaign. This is not a "Rah, rah for Romney" campaign. Will Romney go negative on Obama like he went negative on  Gingerich and Santorum? Are the super pacs ready to launch on Obama? I hope so.

I sort of had a preview of the reluctance of the Romney campaign to go negative. At the opposition rally against Obama, I had a couple of versions of the "Say No To Fear" poster (top of the page) I left one on the Romney tour bus. The Romney folks did not seem very warm to my negative depiction of Obama. When I revealed one of my captions to one of the Romney campaign staff, he scoffed in a way that said, "Yeah buddy. That's a bit over the top."

My charcoal drawing at the top of the page is available for syndication. If there is an entity out there that would like to secure the rights to this image for the rest of the campaign, please send an email. I am willing to listen to offers for the original.


All of the above demonstrates the need for a Christie VP nod.

Hannity just said the Portman, Rubio, and Ryan were his top three likely VP picks. Rubio has eligibility issues and Ryan needs to be in the legislature to sort out the fiscal mess. Portman would be fine with me ... but Christie would get me fired up! We need him on the ticket just for his sense of candor ... America needs a dose of in your face honesty. It will give the media red meat to chew on. The compassionate left media would make fun of his weight and classify honesty as hate speech. This process would allow Obama's opposition to grow some teeth in the heat of the late campaign battle. Christie would not mince words when it comes to the Obama disaster.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Toiling on the Government Treadmill ... boycotting the fireworrks

OK America! Is the shock wearing off yet?

I decided to boycott the 4th of July fireworks Wednesday night. If I would have had a Gadsen flag handy to wave, I might have gone to the celebration. But I would have been tempted to fly the yellow flag on top of the stars and stripes. I would not have done it because I still believe in the dream of freedom. To this, I can only utter the words, "Say No To Fear."

And now, because I believe in freedom and limited federal government, Janet Napolitano and the DHS want to label me a terrorist. They want to ignore the creeping Islamo-fascists and turn the Tea Party and constitutional patriots into enemies of the State.

Instead of watching fireworks, I managed to find some cable TV, I watched some of the Twilight Zone marathon on the ScyFy channel. What a classic show! One in particular was very timely. It is titled "The Obsolete Man." I believe the folks at ScyFy may have aired this one at that particular time as a statement of dissent. If it is true, then bravo to ScyFy Channel! It is the most prescient episode out there at this time in history! The main characters name is Romney! How about that? Creepy almost! Romney is a be-speckled librarian. He lives and works in a totalitarian state that has eliminated books. He stands in judgement at the end of a long table. It leads up to a great tall podium, where a man of the State and his kangaroo court of statist sympathizers judge this humble librarian (Burgess Meredith)and deem him to be obsolete. Follow the link for a good synopsis.

I won't go through the whole story. But in the end, the man of the State who sentenced poor Romney to death, was later judged by the new authority figure and a new kangaroo court as also being obsolete. 

The whole point of the story is that the man or woman of the State can the be eaten (destroyed) by the State at the next level of authority. The machinery of the State begins to grind and it eats up the little pieces first then grinds up the bigger ones. Those complicit with the State at the lowest levels assume their roles in the cushy Statist bureaucracy, believing that they cannot be eaten. How wrong they are. This is what was fully placed into motion on Thursday, June 28, 2012.

We have just slipped into the Twilight Zone. Donald Trump is saying that Obama will start a war with Iran to get elected. I put nothing past Mr. Obama.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Entropy barrier has been breached

Back in the early and mid nineties, I has a supreme fascination with chaos theory, self-similarity, fractals, and such. Has anyone out there seen the movie, "The Butterfly Effect" with Ashton Kucher? It demonstrates how one tiny change of events changes a whole host of events. As we approach the event horizon the tiny accumulation of the twists and turns of events leads up to a quantum event ... a quantum shift. This is what happened last week  in the Supreme Court. In the wake of the court's abandonment of the constitutional intent of limited government and individual rights, the chaos that was being stirred up over the last few years finally broke through the entropy barrier. It's a paradigm shift that imperils every freedom loving American!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Pelosi the bludgened martyr is a squealing broken robot of insanity

I mean seriously folks ... I didn't watch "Meet The Press" this past Sunday, but after hearing the audio clip of the insane Nancy Pelosi trying to explain that "this is not a tax, it's a penalty." Of course she is referring to the recent Supreme Court decision. That one clip was so disturbing ... minnie shudders are shaking my neck ...

... ohhhhhhhhhh ... I'm so glad I missed it! Well you know what? We don't like your word "PENALTY" either! It's just a little word that happens to appear 125 times in the new healthcare mandate.

This woman

This .... this .... sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... only my dissident art can express it!

 Pelosi the Statist

She is the broken robot of insanity. I can picture the eyeball popping out at the end of a spring ... and weird broken robot sounds coming out of her. Nancy! Listen up you giant mess of a broken machine.

IT ........ IS ..... A ... TAX!


AND ........ IT ..... IS ... THE .. LAW

The word "tax" appears a mere 583 times.

The great Obama lied to us ..... again!

I knew he was a liar before the 2008 election. I knew he was a liar when I saw him on television speaking at the 2004 Democratic convention. There is nothing democratic (small d ... democratic) about this guy!

When Nikita Khrushchev was banging his shoe on the table, Obama is what he hoped would fall out!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Supreme Inequity of the Kangaroo Court

I want to expand on my comments from this past Thursday. I stand by my words ... "the second tower just fell." I was of course making a metaphorical analogy. Last week was a grand and deadly attack from within. It was the greatest act of terror since 911.

It wasn't the immigration ruling itself that started the attack. It was the administrations reaction to the ruling that was abominable. The federal government is charged by the constitution with providing for the common defense. That means protecting the territory from invaders. Border jumpers are not immigrants. The term illegal immigrant is a purposeful misnomer. A foreign national does not attain the status of immigrant until he or she has completed the immigration process. Border jumpers are foreign invaders not illegal immigrants. This extra-constitutional government is ignoring its duty.  Obama tipped us off to the fact that he himself was tipped off about this ruling. The week before the ruling he shoehorned in some defacto amnesty (it was a nice little preview of what was to come). He somehow knew that the court was not going to give border enforcement power to the states because it is one of the Federal Governments enumerated powers. Arizona can now check the status of anyone trekking through the neighborhood until they're blue in the face ... the Feds are just going to let the phone ring and purposefully slow down the process ... So the federal government is going to do what it does best ... remain a beacon of mediocrity, corruption, sloth, and inefficiency. But  I'm sure they will get health care right ... Oh, goodness just give me the blue pill and let me end it already! Oh, but you would like that Mr. Federal Government ... wouldn't you now!

All last week when people would ask me, "What do you think will happen on the Obamacare ruling." I said over and over again, "The mandate will be struck down, but the court will find a way to implement it anyway."

... and so it was.

Now that we are learning about how Roberts flipped his vote late in the process, it is clear that Obama had the inside track again. Do you remember his demeanor in the days following the closing of the oral arguments? He looked fit to be tied! He was pissed ... and you could tell! It was clear that he thought it would be struck down. That's why nobody got it right in the media. Obama himself, being so thin skinned, could not dampen his displays of displeasure. Everybody said the law was toast because Obama himself thought it was toast!

The metamorphosis of this incubating dictator is almost complete ... and he is cutting his teeth on the constitution.

There should be an investigation into whether or not Roberts was threatened or coerced in any way by this administration (or other nefarious individuals or organizations).

... and another thing!

Check out this article from WSJ.com . Remember, Kagen was supposed to recuse herself from this ruling because she argued for the Federal Government in front of the Supreme Court in support of the healthcare mandate. She broke the recusal law. She was actually fighting for the Obama administration in a case that she would later see! THIS IS A KANGAROO COURT!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Second Tower Just Fell

After the Supreme Court decision on Monday about the border, I stated that it was the biggest day of destruction in America since 911. Right now, with this decision on healthcare, the second tower just fell!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

pound rocks Eric Holder ... Rubio not eligible

Like I said previously, Eric Holder should be pounding rocks somewhere in a jail yard! Now he gets Executive Privilege? HA! You know what this says to me? This says to me that this scandal goes all the way to the top. Yep. El presidente' Obama himself was fully aware of this operation! Yes. That is what I'm saying. I have no doubt that the man who wants the "bitter clingers" to give up their guns is the man behind this operation. The left is masterful at trying to solve problems that don't exist. The Fast and Furious operation is the perfect example of this. Barack Obama should be pounding rocks with Holder.


As a confirmed birther, I have to stay true to my creed. Although Marco Rubio is a native born citizen, he is not a natural born citizen. Neither of his parents were citizens at the time of his birth. I happen also to believe that Obama is not a natural born citizen. Further, I do not believe he is even native born. In either case, both are ineligible to be president.

I saw Portman speak at the Romney event in Brunswick. He's seems like a solid individual. His resume' is rock solid! Romney does need a strong numbers guy to help lead us out of this economic malaise. Although he doesn't have the name recognition, he does have strong leadership on economic issues. He is also a strong debater. He would likely rip Joe Biden to shreds in a debate. So I guess I'm warming up to the Portman option.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A contrast of visions ... a contrast in campaigns

I haven't posted in a couple of months. I have been experiencing political burnout. This week, however, has afforded me some insights into the mindsets of the competing presidential campaigns.

Last Thursday, I met up with Ralph King and some of the Tea Party folks to offer up some opposition to the nose to tail mindless followers of the Obama machine. I had my sign (a poster of my own artwork) with the caption "Reject Obama ... Save America." We were respectful in our dissonance. The police then began moving us down the street farther and farther away from the line of eager Obama zombies. Although disappointed, we did not resist being moved. We understood that the Secret Service needed to clear the area for the arrival of the self-appointed Messiah. We made our appearance. We thanked the police for their service. We peacefully assembled and had our say.

Fully aware that there would be a counter-protest by the Occupy Wallstreet gang at the Romney event in Brunswick, Ohio, I brought my sign again. This time the caption read, "Yes to Romney ... No to O-blamo." That reads "OH BLAME OH." Thanks Rush Limbaugh for using that phrase. It is quite appropriate! So I ended up joining the protesters. I was there protesting the protesters! It was great! As they were chanting "Hey ho Bain Capital has to go," I was chanting in cadence,  "Hey ho Eric Holder has to go." As they were chanting, "Mitt Romney ... he's so rich blah blah blah blah blah blah blah,"( I can't remember the exact phrase) I was chanting in cadence, "Obama ... he's so dull, he's so dull he melts my skull!" What a blast! While they were chanting, "We are the 99 percent," I was chanting, "They are the point 1 percent." All the while, I'm getting high fives and thumbs up from the incoming Romney crowd. It was quite rewarding. If anyone is interested in sponsoring me, I would love to shadow the Romney campaign to "protest the protesters" for the next four months!

I want to make one point. At the Obama rally,the police began moving us farther and farther down the street. When the police tried to do the same thing with the occupy crowd, they initially refused to move. Their leader insisted that they were on public property and was very cantankerous. "You want to talk to my lawyer? I'll call him right now" and so on. So ultimately the police backed off. I guess when you are dealing with the truly potentially violent crowd, you tend to treat them with kid gloves. When they were informed that the Secret Service would require the area to be cleared, they finally did move. But I find it curious that the distinct groups of protesters are treated differently.

I will be working on a portrait of Mr. Romney over the next few days. I am committed to presenting a poster with side by side images of the two candidates. Under the Romney portrait it will say "Business Builder." Under the Obama portrait it will say "Business Buster." This is the tone of this election. Romney represents optimism and a belief in the individual. Obama represents pessimism and disbelief in the individual. The contrast is clear. I believe that the majority of Americans believe in the spirit of the individual. Those of us who still believe this are willing to forgive our fellow Americans who just got plain duped by this smooth talking community organizer in 2008. We will accept you back with open arms!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Obama = Poster Boy of the Un-American Mindset

The headline in Drudge is just amazing ...

"She has never worked a day in her life." Really! Really! No ... I mean seriously ... this is all you got! Mr. Obama. This is your play? You read a poll that says you have the women and now you want to keep them by blasting a potential first lady. Blunder "my friend" ... if I may quote your previous adversary. I don't mean in any way to speak for women ... but let's face it ... women control fifty percent of the population and ninety percent of the wealth. Your class warfare spin will not play to women ... you are done sir. I mean done. Toast! Blasting Ann Romney will simply not play.

... and Holder is paying homage to Al Sharpton!? This is twisted and as warped as the charcoal drawing you see at the top of the page. Obama loves to advertise on my blog with "join the fight" as a tag line. This is the guy that that won the Nobel Peace Prize .... ????? It's pretty clear folks ... become a fan of Mitt Romney real fast! ... and make sure that Ron Paul gets put in charge of shaking up something. Bring Santorum under the wing as a moral compass. Bring Newt in somehow to reveal the philosophic reality of the value of individual freedom.

I know you committed lefties are puking right now. Too bad. Your vision is twisted and corrupt by common sense alone. Your vision says "no" to the man with a better mousetrap and stands firmly in the way of true human progress. The label you use of "progressive" is truly a misnomer.

To the real Americans ... the sixty-nine percent of us ... ;~) ....

It's time to get real! It's time to restore the dream of America!

When I wrote my pre-Iowa thoughts, it came down to Romney or Santorum. I am not dissatisfied with the recent developments. I am glad that Santorum rode it out like he did. He puts some nails in the plank of the party. Good job Rick!

Embolden the the Republican congress and flip that slacker Senate ... put in Romney ... and push, push, push him to restore America. Hold his feet to the fire ... force him to run the USA like a business ... WE CAN DO IT!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

AP is a sham Augusta membership Obama

Obama officially crossed the line in the sand. He just weighed in on the business of a private organization, set up with private contracts, for the purpose of its members. The members of Augusta National have decided on  their charter and they should stick to it. With all discretion to the CEO of IBM, this is a freedom of association issue.

This is just one more intimidation tactic by this president.

Rush is exposing the Associated Press for the lapdog that it is. He is playing the sound byte of the chairman of AP metaphorically genuflecting at the feet of Obama. It's so sad how far we've fallen.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Dressing down the Supreme court ... pathetic! He's really going over the edge ... not just going to far ... I mean like .... out of his mind ... like crazy!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

This is just how stupid the mainstream media, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton are

Here is the deal. The name Zimmerman is a German, Jewish surname that seemingly fits in perfectly with hatred template promoted by the media toward anyone who is perceived as a  Zionist or Zionist defender. Once the media went with the perfect storm, there was no turning back and no end to it. They had to portray this Zimmerman guy as a theoretical white Jew!

The joke is completely on the media. Once the photo of Mr. Zimmerman appeared, it became clear that the media goofed by means of their own twisted presumptions. All of America (or at least this American) can only guffaw at how inept this group of social engineers have become! They jumped at the name Zimmerman like a fish to a worm on a hook!

.... Loooooooooosers!

This Zimmerman is Hispanic.

In the real world, this would be inciting anti-immigration rage among the black population. But not in Obama's world ... not in the mainstream media world!

This is Tawana Brawley all over again. This is Duke Lacrosse team all over again. When the pot needs to get stirred, the pot stirrers appear.


I listened to Romney talking to Hannity today about uniting the party against Obama. I really thought that this spirit of uniting should have been a major theme before going into Super Tuesday. If you recall, I was hoping for a team Republican solidarity press conference before the big night.

But it was admirable that Mr. Romney spoke in terms of each one of the four having the back of the eventual nominee. I appreciate that he didn't act presumptuously ... that he humbly said, "whoever the nominee may be."

Romney is showing that he has the gravitas of a president. Don't get me wrong, Santorum calling BS on the New York Times is priceless. I will treasure that little video clip and savor it for a good while. A Romney/Santorum ticket could work for me. A Romney/Christie ticket would have to be re-classified as a deadly weapon ;~)

A Christie VP pick would not only energize the Republican party, it would put Anne Coulter into a state of perpetual orgasm. Wave after wave after wave! I say that tongue in cheek ... but it's true. Christie doesn't buy into the world of semantic rope-a-dope. He will expose the illogical underpinnings of this current regime in the simplest of terms. He can easily expose the forked tongue of the opponent.

A Biden/Christie debate would be the end of Obama! Total destruction!

Mark my words, if Christie is the VP pick, the current administration will refuse to let Joe Biden debate him. That's a pretty sure bet! If he did, it would be early on in the process.

Monday, March 12, 2012

politics burnout

I'm ready to drop out the scene again. All of this politics garbage is burning me out. I have things to do. I have positive and uplifting things to share with the world.

My only word of advice for the reader is: Tell three friends why you are voting against Obama ... and, if they agree with you, ask them to tell three friends. They tell three friends ... and so on, and so on.

Stand up for the beauty of America! Stand up for liberty! You may find many that disagree with you on the surface. Tell them anyway why you are standing against Obama. You would be surprised how a few well thought out arguments made by you may affect your detractor. He or she may, in the privacy of the voting booth, reflect on your statements and your impassioned stances on liberty and freedom. You could be flipping the vote more than you know or believe. Don't ever, ever forget that!

God Bless!

The real deal on impeachment comes out today

As evidenced by the the news today, the case for impeachment comes to the forefront. The real deal comes down today to Leon Panetta telling congress that this administration will seek the direction of the international community when it comes to actions of the American military. They will tell the congress when and if they feel inclined.

Walter B. Jones Jr. is threatening impeachment if this administration uses force without congressional approval. Bravo! Bravo!

But wait. So if we can't throw Mr. Obama out at the ballot box, but manage to throw him out by impeaching him, we are left with .............................. JOE BIDEN!!! .............AHHHHHHHHHHHHH .................ARRGGGHHHH............. My head is going to explode!

Please oh please ..... anybody with a heart .....anybody with passion .....anybody with compassion ..... all free thinkers .... anybody with a heartbeat ..... anybody with a soul ..... anybody with a creative idea .... anybody that believes in growth ..... anybody that believes in transcendence .... anybody that believes in love ....

...... Let's get rid of Obama in November ... we don't need a catch 22 here. A Biden takeover of the Oval office would be scary ... I can't even fathom that calamity waiting to happen.

Remember this: the free individual is the expression of the inner light. Freedom creates light, and reflects back the light inherent in the goodness of others. We will not let that disappear in the United States of America!

The bottom line is this:

Parading around the Whitehouse press room and waving around a forged document is one thing, going rogue international without congressional approval is a step above.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hail Joe ArpaioDrudge post of Pravda article really shows cover-up. Birthers you and I were right all along

Irony in America bubbling forth. An article in Pravda is mocking the American press for complete silence on the Joe Arpaio investigation into the eligibility issue of Obama.

Can I get a drum roll ... or is it too late? .................................. PRAVDA!

The American press has become what Pravda used to be! Holy Cow!

I'm a born-again birther! ... Oh this is great! Thank you Joe Arpaio and thank you Drudge for posting the link to this article. We all owe you a debt of gratitude! I am posting this in the spirit of Andrew Breitbart. We are smarter and more well informed because of these men and many other citizens.

It is unfortunate that Rush, Glenn, and Hannity have largely ignored the birther issue. I think Rush mentioned the issue when the Arpaio report first came out. But of course the media created diversions in order to flood the airwaves with tangential issues. I have believed for a long time that the Bin Laden hit was timed to take out the birther issue. It wasn't more than a week after Obama committed a high crime and misdemeanor, by parading around a forged document, that Bin Laden was taken out. The CIA knew for many months about the location of Bin Laden. This was Obama's trump card (pun  intended). Donald Trump pushed Obama to come up with something. Obama called Trump's hand with a phony document. He then had to do something to drown the story before his own crime story suddenly got legs. I have no doubts .... none.

Particularly disturbing is the reference to Justiagate. This refers to groups of left wing organizations that specifically scrubbed transcripts of the Supreme court case Minor v. Happersett. Check out this quote from the American Thinker website:

New Jersey attorney Leo Donofrio accused online legal research behemoth Justia.com of surgically redacting important information from their publication of 25 U.S. Supreme Court opinions which cite Minor v. Happersett, an 1874 decision which arguably contains language that appears to disqualify anyone from presidential eligibility who wasn't born in the country to parents who were citizens.  According to the decision in Happersett:

The bottom line is that the elites knew there was a problem and they tried to clean it up with a Socialist mop. Just like Ogletree knew that the image of Obama hugging  Derick Bell would cause a problem for the Obama candidacy, they knew that precedents set by the Supreme Court would also be a "bit of problem." There is so much evidence and so much cover-up ..... it simply cannot be ignored. Trust me. You skeptics will be running to my side if Obama manages to worm himself back into office. At that point, impeachment will be the only option.

If he wins impeach him! (and Biden. Criminally investigate the whole administration)

This is why you better get your butts to the voting booth in November. We conservatives, libertarians, freedom lovers, and constitutionalists need to push against anything with a "D" in front of it. I want to appeal to family and freedom loving Democrats to do the same. That "D" has become radicalized. Become independent and throw out the radicals. Let's put citizens Republicans back into government. We took back the House. Let's bolster that majority. Let's re-take the Senate and start investigating the high crimes and misdemeanors of resident Obama!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dennis Kucinich

Bye, Bye Dennis!! This is the best news so far this year. Dennis (I want to be a Statist) will be gone! Too bad we have to pay this guy a pension till the day he kicks!

Can Joe the Plumber finish of the job and oust Kaptur? Let's hope so.

As for Super Tuesday ... what a battle we had here in Ohio! My perceptions about Santorum on the eve of the Iowa Caucus proved to be true. He simply cannot draw the middle class female vote. Romney can.

I said back then (and I still believe) that middle class women will decide the presidential victor this fall. It is clear now that Romney is the only hope. He has the business skills, the executive skills, the optimism, and the leadership qualities necessary for the job of commander in chief. The only thing Obama has are the pandering skills, the government hand out skills, union thugs, pathetic commiseration skills, and the ass kissing media . He has nothing else! Nothing!

Monday, March 5, 2012

I feel Santorum fading here ... the social issues have spoiled the pot.

Not only did the Dems and the media find a way to take Santorum off track with this contraception issue , they managed to snare Rush into all of this. Kill two birds with one stone! All of the cliches are working for the radicals on the Left! They impregnated this primary battle with this issue as a smokescreen for the wholesale stripping of your constitutional rights!

Only the truly uninformed will buy this manufactured outrage of the Left. The hypocrisy is amazing! It's so amazing that Rush is just about the only one on the Right that will throw back the same crap that thousands on the Left dish out every .... fu*#ing .... day! Excuse my language. I try not to drop the F bomb.

This really ticks me off because I actually listened to the fifteen hours of Rush last week. Rush simply walked through the logical deductions to be drawn by the appearance of Miss Fluke at this unofficial appearance in front of house Democrats. In the two O'clock hour of his program now,  he is pointing out in detail how this parading of Miss Fluke was actually a Democrat press conference presented as a congressional hearing. Fluke was not invited by Darrel Issa to contribute to the official hearing. This was a dog and pony show put on by the Left to turn public attention away from the actual intention of the official hearings. That is: Does the government have the right to dictate to the population mandates and directives which violate religious freedom? That is the real issue. This is the issue that John Stewart and Bill Maher (One of the filthiest male whores in existence), throw down like a hat and dance around.

Rush was always presenting the material by means of the same logic that the Left uses to demonize constitutionalists and freedom loving Americans. But it will never change. Would Diego Rivera have become such a renowned painter if he had been anything but a communist? No.

Quicken Loans and the others that pulled advertising from the Rush program are complete and hopeless COWARDS!

Rush is making the point that this whole contraception issue is like the movie "Wag the Dog" This flick is about the media manufacturing a war. So now we have "Wag the Pill." It's sad but true.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rush Limbaugh, Georgetown sluts,

Rush is tearing up the Left right now. He truly is brilliant! In reference to the Sandra Fluke testimony in congress, he queries, "Did you ever think about not having sex?" He says he is going to buy aspirin for all the female Georgetown students(to put between their knees). I am laughing out loud and rolling on the floor!

His point is that we shouldn't be subsidizing the sex lives of Americans. Pure and simple! Where is Sebelius on this? Shouldn't she be an advocate for condoms as a matter of minimizing the spread of social diseases?

But none of this is about what it seems to be about.

Command and control bureaucracies is what it is about. Nothing more.

Andrew Breitbart

This is a blow to all freedom fighters across America. This is tragic event and serves as a moment of pause for those of us a few years older. May I wish for half the courage that this man had.

To all you haters on the Left. Your hypocrisy is forever exposed by Breitbart in life and by Breitbart in death.

You are exposed to your core and you forever will be. Thank you Andrew Breitbart!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My read on the current delelgate count

Here is my read on the count. Here is is link to the stats:

Romney: 165
Santorum: 44
Gingrich: 38
Paul: 27

So what I do is I add two zeros at the end of each delegate count ... then I say,

"Romney 16,500% better than the policies of President Obama.

Santorum is 4,400% better than the policies of President Obama.

Gingrich is 3,800% better than the policies of President Obama.

Ron Paul is 2,700% better than the policies of President Obama."

Now, Mr. Obama. Please do not take this personally. I stated clearly in this blog early on that I could play a round of golf with you, have a beer with you at the 19th hole,  vehemently disagree with you in our subsequent social interaction, yet shake hands as respectable men ... agreeing to disagree. This is politics. This is not personal.

I think you are wrong in many ways, and I believe that you are completely untethered to any affirmative perennial philosophy. But I have no personal animosity toward you whatsoever. And if one of these guys doesn't get you out office     ...................... um ..................yeah ................... not a pleasant thought. Don't kill me ...  sir ... I could probably help you with your golf game, if anything. Talk to Immelt's old man ... He's one of my fans.

Monday, February 27, 2012

link to koch brothers firing back at Jim Messina and the Obama campaign ... fundraising letter

Rush just finished reading a letter written by Philip Ellender of Koch Industries. It is a brilliant response to the incubating dictator and his minions.

Read the letter here.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A scary five minutes on the bridge of a freeway ... the re-emergence of Newt Gingrich

I just experienced a rush! ... a rush of traffic ... a rush of thought.

A friend of mine called me for help. He had run out of gas on the I-480 Valley View bridge. Being that I live in a state of Independence in the city of Independence, that bridge is just about one mile away. So I hopped in the truck, full gas can in hand, and made it quickly to the point where he and his amazing dog were stranded. Most anyone in the Cleveland area knows this bridge. It traverses the Cuyahoga valley. Let me tell you, the flow of traffic is swift! I naturally pulled up behind his vehicle with my flashers on. I didn't get out of the car. I was just watching the traffic pour by us in the side view mirror while my friend poured in the gas. I could feel my truck swaying in response to the buffeting waves of air from the quickly passing vehicles.

Then the thought popped into my head. Are any of these people looking down to their phone to answer a call? Is some idiot trying to text in the supposedly slow lane? I cinched down to make sure my belt was on tight. When we got to the gas station he refilled my tank (here is a shout out to etiquette). I said hello to the dog and my friend and I we were talking about how scary the little episode was. He said, "you would think people would get over." He is right. Driving etiquette requires that vehicles approaching from behind and coming up to a disabled vehicle are supposed to make a lane change to assure a clear distance. I would say only twenty percent changed lanes. The perception of speed is quite different when cars are zipping by you 70 MPH and only three feet away from you!

The experience gave me a direct feel of how vitally important it is to have the free flow of oil. Domestic production of oil is vital! This is where Obama can be taken down. The campaign against Obama is like powerpoint presentation. Point, click, next screen. Start with oil and bowing to the Saudis. Work back to the first amendment stomping, Keystone clampdown, Solyndra, Fast and Furious, healthcare takeover (deemed as passed), Government Motors (screw the bondholders), and finish up with Joe the plumber (spread the wealth). You can work back from there to Jeremiah Wright, Acorn, Saul Alinsky, etc.

This is where the Newt option becomes viable. He has Palin in line for energy secretary (in my opinion) and Caine lined up for commerce. Newt possesses the quality of a statesman. He is articulate and can communicate the common sense of Obama absurdity. I still don't like the Abramoffian ties with Newt. But I'm just throwing it out there. I see Newt re-emerging.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Santorum can have the bumbling Clark Kent Moments ... and republican campaign strategy santorum romney gingrich

At the recent Arizona debate we got to see the defensive Santorum. But keep yourself open to the big picture. This is all part of the Team Obama plan. I agree with Rush. Occupy Wall Street was set up last year in anticipation of Romney as the likely foe. They hounded Caine and Newt about the sex stuff. Santorum was set up with the social issues so as to make him trip up over his tongue. Ron Paul ... they won't attack him because they want him to run third party. The operatives must be drooling over Paul right now. The idea is that Obama is trying to deliberately place spin on the candidate of his choice. He stepped on the Catholic church to rouse Santorum. I believe it was totally concocted to squeeze Santorum.(Obama actually just stepped on everybody. We are finding out what's in the thousand plus pages of the government health care takeover).

Each candidate has a chink .... oh no! ... in the armor. OK ... I'm going to use the term Achilles Heel. Is that term OK with the thought police? Each candidate has a weakness, and Obama is using the old divide and conquer technique. Classic move ... a no-brainer! This is what needs the attention. Obama now has all of his campaign commercials practically made for him.

Here is what needs to happen. Before Super Tuesday, each of the candidates should agree to have a press conference... all four together ... (OK ... maybe minus Ron Paul).  They should do a photo op of them all together. Here is the way forward. Each one should say publicly that no matter who ultimately gets the nod for the nomination, each of the other two (or three) will campaign for the nominee. They need to agree to publicly defend each other in the final showdown. When Obama starts running the "circular firing squad" primary, caucus, and debate footage, each former candidate can go out there, defend the nominee, and tongue lash Obama for his socialistic policies. Now we have three or four voices sucking up airtime and media attention rather than just the nominee and his VP candidate. Don't forget about the advantages we are accruing by this drawn out affair.

We don't want hard feelings after the dust settles. It is very important to see them unite before Super Tuesday.

I listened to Mark Levin interview both Santorum and Gingrich.

Listen Here


Romney starts to sound great ... then he steps in it. Today he was talking about his economic plan ... then he says that the very rich won't get as much of a tax break because he want to maintain a progressive tax code. The word "progressive" is the last word a conservative wants to hear

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fifty years since John Glenn's trip in orbit! Oh the days of dreaming big!!

I had the chance to shake John Glenn's hand in Vail, Colorado. He smiled when I told him that I was from Ohio. He seemed like a good hearted soul. I know, how dare I say something nice about a Democrat. Hey, back then when Glenn served in the Senate there were a lot of Democrats that were more conservative than 99% of the Democrats today.


Jennifer Stefano was brilliant on Hannity's radio show today! Brilliant! She was railing against "Michelle 'Antoinette' Obama" off on a ski trip and hanging out with the elites. In honor of your beautiful rant I have posted this picture.

... Oh, and about this whole Jeremy Lin "chink in the armor" hubub. This is so silly. Let's just finish off the first amendment completely!! Such bull crap. This is all intended to get America off onto the tangent of hyperbolic hypersensitivity. (Let's get back to the issues: Unemployment, deficits, economy, taxes, etc.) This also leads me back to FDR. How about when FDR put the Japanese into internment camps? Who got fired for that?! Was that an insult to people with Oriental descent? I'm just wondering.

So here is FDR on the Amberjack II before his internment gig.

FDR on the yacht while America was in the throes of the Great Depression. Democrats have not changed. H.G. Wells even wrote about it. See link below.

Obama and company have taken it to a new level! George Bush would clean up brush at the ranch and the media pegged him as a vacation prone golf maniac. We have multiple plane trips and entourages to exotic locations by this clown act ... and .... still ...... nothing .....I hear crickets.

Oh! Look .... below the fold ... why it's none other than the father of the income tax and father of the United Nations Cordell Hull.  and Ramsay MacDonald ...  Smashing!! Hull was the guy who would someday block Jewish refugees from coming to America just as they were being slaughtered in Hitler's Germany. Nice guy ... won the Nobel Peace Prize. It's just amazing to me that, even back then, it was awarded to illogical candidates.

Oh and they're at the world conference in London ...

Read the opinion of H. G. Wells by clicking here

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Billy Cunningham is taking Santorum to task for being sucked into the media setup. I did not see the Bob Sheefer interview of Santorum this morning. According to Cunningham, Santorum has allowed himself to be painted as an extremist. Instead of focusing on the real issues of energy policy, inflation, deficits, unemployment, he allowed himself to be drawn into the weeds by the media. I must say that I'm glad I missed the interview. I too would be pulling my hair out. The Occupy movement was invented to stomp on Romney and the Contraception issue was formulated to stomp on Santorum ... I can hear Obama now ... "Uh ... this Santorum fella ... he's a Catholic huh? ...uhhhhhhhhhh ... let's tick him off real good. Let's stomp on religious liberty and paint this Santorum fella as a right wing extremist. Divide and Conquer that's the ticket."

Wayne Alyn Root was brilliant as Cunninghams opening guest ... www.rootforamerica.com. He points out how common sense is evaporating when it comes to the focus of the real issues. All we have to do is look at Europe. We are soon to be like Greece if we don't turn it around. All of the solutions are out there. Do the exact opposite of what Obama is doing and there is real hope. Continue on the same path and you get Greece. No crystal ball needed. The "yellow media" is again trying to write the script. Today they succeeded.

What happened today is what I was afraid of when I wrote my pre-Iowa perspective. I was wondering in print if Santorum could pull the white middle class female vote. Based on what happened today ... probably not. This is not a social issues campaign. This is a jobs and economy campaign.
First of all: Mitt! Rick! Get off the earmark thing! It's chump change. Don't deal in your chump change. Deal with Obama's chump change. His whole vision is "chump change" ... sucka! Obama will inflate his way to re-distribution of wealth. In other words, the millions and billions being  handed out by the Obama deficit machine will end up completely in the hands of the statists. Then they say, "so what if bread costs $50.00 a loaf, I started a now defunct green energy company and pocketed 25 million taxpayer dollars. Eat shit and die Mr. middle class!"

You see how this shit works America!


Oh yeah, I know Google. My screen often goes to a popup window which says that I "have logged off from another location." I am completely aware that this blog is monitored. The first amendment of the constitution is being choked as we speak. Why stop with religion? Why not move on to intellectual dissent. Why not just call constitutionalism ... um ... let's call it sedition an have a beer. Who goes to jail first? Mark Levin? Or some schmuck like me? Revolt at the ballot box America!

Oh ... it happened again.

Above is a screenshot of this


Wow! This is really, really getting good! I love it! America loves it! One of Santorums top supporters made the joke that "in his day birth control was cheap. Women used aspirin. They held the aspirin between their knees ... worked great!" America hates political correctness! I only heard the clip. I didn't see the reaction of Andrea Mitchell. Priceless! I love it.

Santorum himself rips into Obama and his numbers soar! Yes! Obama, who has spent the last three years trying to convince America that his distorted actions are normal, is accusing Republicans of distortion and negativity. This is truly a man with a forked tongue!

The reason Santorum needs to get in is so that he can go after the money that has been stolen from the taxpayers. Romney would just let it go. He would say something like, "They raided the treasury like bandits ... oh well ...that's in the past. Let's look forward." We may be able to talk him into to it. but Santorum would shake it up.