"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hail Joe ArpaioDrudge post of Pravda article really shows cover-up. Birthers you and I were right all along

Irony in America bubbling forth. An article in Pravda is mocking the American press for complete silence on the Joe Arpaio investigation into the eligibility issue of Obama.

Can I get a drum roll ... or is it too late? .................................. PRAVDA!

The American press has become what Pravda used to be! Holy Cow!

I'm a born-again birther! ... Oh this is great! Thank you Joe Arpaio and thank you Drudge for posting the link to this article. We all owe you a debt of gratitude! I am posting this in the spirit of Andrew Breitbart. We are smarter and more well informed because of these men and many other citizens.

It is unfortunate that Rush, Glenn, and Hannity have largely ignored the birther issue. I think Rush mentioned the issue when the Arpaio report first came out. But of course the media created diversions in order to flood the airwaves with tangential issues. I have believed for a long time that the Bin Laden hit was timed to take out the birther issue. It wasn't more than a week after Obama committed a high crime and misdemeanor, by parading around a forged document, that Bin Laden was taken out. The CIA knew for many months about the location of Bin Laden. This was Obama's trump card (pun  intended). Donald Trump pushed Obama to come up with something. Obama called Trump's hand with a phony document. He then had to do something to drown the story before his own crime story suddenly got legs. I have no doubts .... none.

Particularly disturbing is the reference to Justiagate. This refers to groups of left wing organizations that specifically scrubbed transcripts of the Supreme court case Minor v. Happersett. Check out this quote from the American Thinker website:

New Jersey attorney Leo Donofrio accused online legal research behemoth Justia.com of surgically redacting important information from their publication of 25 U.S. Supreme Court opinions which cite Minor v. Happersett, an 1874 decision which arguably contains language that appears to disqualify anyone from presidential eligibility who wasn't born in the country to parents who were citizens.  According to the decision in Happersett:

The bottom line is that the elites knew there was a problem and they tried to clean it up with a Socialist mop. Just like Ogletree knew that the image of Obama hugging  Derick Bell would cause a problem for the Obama candidacy, they knew that precedents set by the Supreme Court would also be a "bit of problem." There is so much evidence and so much cover-up ..... it simply cannot be ignored. Trust me. You skeptics will be running to my side if Obama manages to worm himself back into office. At that point, impeachment will be the only option.

If he wins impeach him! (and Biden. Criminally investigate the whole administration)

This is why you better get your butts to the voting booth in November. We conservatives, libertarians, freedom lovers, and constitutionalists need to push against anything with a "D" in front of it. I want to appeal to family and freedom loving Democrats to do the same. That "D" has become radicalized. Become independent and throw out the radicals. Let's put citizens Republicans back into government. We took back the House. Let's bolster that majority. Let's re-take the Senate and start investigating the high crimes and misdemeanors of resident Obama!