Like I said previously, Eric Holder should be pounding rocks somewhere in a jail yard! Now he gets Executive Privilege? HA! You know what this says to me? This says to me that this scandal goes all the way to the top. Yep. El presidente' Obama himself was fully aware of this operation! Yes. That is what I'm saying. I have no doubt that the man who wants the "bitter clingers" to give up their guns is the man behind this operation. The left is masterful at trying to solve problems that don't exist. The Fast and Furious operation is the perfect example of this. Barack Obama should be pounding rocks with Holder.
As a confirmed birther, I have to stay true to my creed. Although Marco Rubio is a native born citizen, he is not a natural born citizen. Neither of his parents were citizens at the time of his birth. I happen also to believe that Obama is not a natural born citizen. Further, I do not believe he is even native born. In either case, both are ineligible to be president.
I saw Portman speak at the Romney event in Brunswick. He's seems like a solid individual. His resume' is rock solid! Romney does need a strong numbers guy to help lead us out of this economic malaise. Although he doesn't have the name recognition, he does have strong leadership on economic issues. He is also a strong debater. He would likely rip Joe Biden to shreds in a debate. So I guess I'm warming up to the Portman option.