"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rush is hitting on all cylinders

Rush is hammering home that this campaign is not about Romney and it is not about the economy. He is spot on! We are in danger of Romney putting on his McCain oven mitts! This is the wrong tack.

Obama is a walking disaster. He just guaranteed that the middle class will see a HUGE tax increase in a couple of years.  He wants to keep the current tax rates for everybody EXCEPT the wealthiest. This is the class warfare magician at work. Turn away America! Turn away!

Rush is, and has been, pointing out that this unemployment economy is not like the unemployment economy of the 1930's. The subsistence provided today makes it not so painful. Hell, the government is proud of the fact that we have record numbers on foodstamps. This is the Orwellian world of Newspeak.  It's  true. To me, this alleviation of pain (by means of a government handout program), is just a slow bribe to accept the government intrusion in every other facet of life.

My goal in this election is to get the unemployed to vote for employment rather than permanent subsidies. As friends and neighbors of the unemployed, we must appeal to their sense of human dignity. I believe that half of the unemployed are chronic dependents. The other half don't want to be where they are. They have aspirations to create, invent, be part of a team, and attain meaningful employment. Those people need to root out Obama. It is up to them.

It is up to all of us!

So the big buzz is that Rush has called out the Romney camp. This campaign is about Obama not about Romney. This is a fire storm for the "Remove Obama" campaign. This is not a "Rah, rah for Romney" campaign. Will Romney go negative on Obama like he went negative on  Gingerich and Santorum? Are the super pacs ready to launch on Obama? I hope so.

I sort of had a preview of the reluctance of the Romney campaign to go negative. At the opposition rally against Obama, I had a couple of versions of the "Say No To Fear" poster (top of the page) I left one on the Romney tour bus. The Romney folks did not seem very warm to my negative depiction of Obama. When I revealed one of my captions to one of the Romney campaign staff, he scoffed in a way that said, "Yeah buddy. That's a bit over the top."

My charcoal drawing at the top of the page is available for syndication. If there is an entity out there that would like to secure the rights to this image for the rest of the campaign, please send an email. I am willing to listen to offers for the original.


All of the above demonstrates the need for a Christie VP nod.

Hannity just said the Portman, Rubio, and Ryan were his top three likely VP picks. Rubio has eligibility issues and Ryan needs to be in the legislature to sort out the fiscal mess. Portman would be fine with me ... but Christie would get me fired up! We need him on the ticket just for his sense of candor ... America needs a dose of in your face honesty. It will give the media red meat to chew on. The compassionate left media would make fun of his weight and classify honesty as hate speech. This process would allow Obama's opposition to grow some teeth in the heat of the late campaign battle. Christie would not mince words when it comes to the Obama disaster.