Joe Biden just said to a meager gathering of predominantly of African American Obama supporters that Romney was going to "unchain Wallstreet and put ya'll back in chains." He is stoking the flames of class warfare and racism. This is Joe Biden's own particular brand of Hopium. Perhaps I should label that as Hypium.
Obama and his surrogates are saying that Romney would destroy Medicare. All the while Obama is robbing the Medicare program of 700 Billion dollars to fund Obamacare. He has no plan to save Medicare. With Obama, it would "wither on the vine."
That is an example of Obama's particularly strong and pure brand of Hopium.
Seniors should be clawing their way to the ballot box to vote for
Romney. The reform plan does not effect them and will preserve it.
This Romney VP pick of Ryan is looking more and more brilliant by the minute!
Obama is out there today talking about the resurgence of GM. Too bad for Obama that Toyota is back on top. Funny, the only reason that GM got back on top is that Japan had a horrible tsunami. Japan's auto industry had to shut down for GM to get to the top! But of course, Obama used the tsunami as part of an excuse for a slow economy. .... More Hopium.
It is an addiction to a contradictory message. The soaring message of intention is followed by actions which have the opposite effect.