"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to one and all!

I must let you know that I rung in the new year while having a conversation with one of my political enemies. No bother ... It was pure delight to not have to say much beyond re-confirming my staid beliefs. It strikes me now that the incoming freshmen must take a strong early stand. NO RAISING OF THE DEBT CEILING ... without considerable concessions ... and I mean CONSIDERABLE concessions. Threaten bankruptcy! Ah shoot that would play right into the hands of George Soros. No matter ... it must be done.

Look! ... the Moody's bond rating for U.S. debt is already in place for a downgrade. Use the Moody's threat as political cover. No harm ... this is politics! The health care mandates alone will tip the scale toward a bond rating downgrade. A potential downgrade of U.S. bond debt is a huge threat to our viability. This legitimate threat can be used as a  leveraging mechanism. Tea Party favorable House freshmen take note. This drives the legitimate political argument for austerity measures in perpetuity! ... and beginning soon!


Except in the case of the military, I loathe the whole GS scale ... government pay scheme ... subsidizing people to willingly underachieve. I don't blame the people victimized by bureaucracy or treat them as the culprits. I blame the structure of  bureaucracy itself as the perpetrator of the crime. Spreading the blame of inefficiency is much easier when everyone's duties overlap and there is no single culprit to identify. This is the nature of the beast.


For years Robert Kiyosaki has been talking about the shift from defined benefit retirement packages to self funded retirement packages. We see how American private business had to make that shift in order to survive. We see how the government refuses to make that shift. This congress must start forcing that shift. The answer is not for the U.S. to declare bankruptcy. The answer is to declare certain government agencies bankrupt. Reorganize the agency and hire people that specialize in efficiency. Institute ample matching funds for those folks that want to sock away money in their self-funded retirement plans. Remember the good old days when working for the government was a downer compared to a high flying career in the private sector ... those Mad Men kind of days. Funny and scary how that has flipped.

Random Thought:

A bill should be introduced to cut corporate taxes to some ridiculously low level ... like 15% ... and make Obama defend his veto. It's time to be aggressive ...


Back to the New Year festivities: I spoke later (Bud Light to Bud Light) to my good friend about the upcoming presidential race. He and I actually agreed that if Sarah Palin runs against Obama ... Obama will be a two term president. This is the friend that I wrote "The Plea" for ... (see right hand column) ... so he is a legitimate voice of  the independent voter.  I argued that McCain would not have come as close as he did without Sarah Palin. He argued that McCain lost because of Sarah Palin.

He may have a point ... the old guard picked the new guard to run with him ... too much dichotomy ... I respect that point of view. I still firmly believe she should be energy secretary in the cabinet of a less "Aw shucks" kind of Republican candidate.

This is not a dig on Sarah Palin whatsoever ... I would love to meet her some day. In no uncertain terms, Alaska is on my bucket list. Nothing would make me happier than to spend a summer in Alaska ... playing eighteen holes of golf at midnight! ... hiking up to a broad vista ... enjoying the meditation of the beauty of a glacial stream. It all appeals. I love the ruggedness of the atmosphere. I love getting that natural rush. I remember getting that rush when I first saw Sedona, when I passed through Dillion on my way to Vail, when I jumped into a lagoon near Honolulu. So, Alaska would be a great adventure.

My point about Patlin: I just think that, while America (on the whole) accepts Sarah Palin's premise of self determination, America does not accept her articulation. Her "Aw shucks" delivery is fine with me ( I find it endearing) ... but it tends to spoil with the swing voter, who is itching to find fault. A large percentage of American opinion is still built on hearsay and convenient negative distortion. The media hates optimism and paints it as backwardness and naivete'. This is why the media from the get go, with near rabid determination, set out to destroy America's first impression of Mrs. Palin. She has way too much common sense.

I can just picture the eco-terrorist loons climbing the walls while watching her reality show. She's cutting trees down, hunting with a nice 7 mag, fishing the waters, and pushing fossil fuel development ... things they hate. I wouldn't doubt that half of her demographic consists of a bunch of liberals tuning in for a good hate fest! Sometimes it's fun to just make yourself laugh.

The hatred by the left and moderates is so sharp ... it reminds me of my own distaste for Hillary!