"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

God Bless! Gabrielle Giffords

Giffords remarkable recovery ... Rush Limbaugh never gave out Dupnicks email address ... fraudulent media ... institutional ignorance ... Steve Cohen ... Gerbels was propagandist along the lines of the progressive agenda ... Cohen's agenda ...
Mrs. Giffords is reportedly on her ipod. This woman will be back in full. I have no doubt! What a miracle ... a tremendous victory over evil. I am so happy to hear this.

"Well this must be some kind subterfuge," Mr. Lefty Left would say. "How can you, Mr. Tea Party, commiserate with one of your political enemies?" Teabagger responds,  "Because I have principals Mr. Lefty Left. I don't condone murder. I have empathy." Is not "teabagger" a hateful term? Oh that's right, the Left is incapable of hate. I cannot speak for all members ... but I feel personally insulted by the aftermath of the Tuscon shootings. The Tea Party, in my view, is comprised of your average guy or gal. We are a group committed to principals. We'll knock on each others doors to borrow a tool or the classic "cup of sugar." The new civility is now composed of Joan Rivers or Joy Behar calling Palin a Nazi. I heard the clip ... but those two clowns sound equally annoying. It was one or the other. I guess it was Joan Rivers. But, you know, Behar plays the same hate game. You talk of hate speech. Steve Cohen compares most Americans to the Nazi propagandist Gerbels. How does this NOT count for hate speech? ... despicable! If anything, it is the Tea Party that could be compared to the Jews of the 1930's and 1940's. Well Mr. Lefty Left, we know the history, and we will not stand for it. Ballots, Ballots, Ballots ... my friends ;~} Never in my life did I ever think that I would be called the "N" word. ............;~o ........ kind of funny ...and quite sad.

I just hope Cohen is not a golfer. I'll invite him to my Golf To The Core seminar .... but it will cost him $1000.00. Even then, I might not take his money. I'm a capitalist ... not a complete whore! I leave that job to the media.

Cohen went on to say that "if you keep repeating the same things over and over and over again, eventually people will start to believe it." It was something along those lines. He was accusing the Right of propaganda. Don't forget ... The Left always accuses the Right of doing things that they themselves are already doing. This is their MO ... don't ever forget that. For example: how many times have you heard Obama and his surrogates blame George Bush for everything under the sun? They have been repeating that for over two years now. Do you see how this works? The loony Left is really comprised of simpleton trick shot artists ... nothing more.

Earlier on, Rush played a clip of sheriff Dupnick accusing Rush of urging his listeners to send nasty emails. In all the years of listening to Rush, I have never once heard him give out anyone's email address ... never. But don't forget, if you keep trumpeting the same lie over and over again, eventually someone will believe it.  In this case, the media will count on the "dumbed down America" (or more precisely: the distracted America) to keep alive perpetual falsehoods. The Left and the media whores have been playing this game for years now. People that have never listened to Rush repeat something that someone else says that Rush said. Of course, that source of the info didn't hear Rush say that either. They just repeated the hearsay that another non-listener passed on ... and so on and so on. The people that are willing to accept this media rumor are simply using the misinformation to justify their own prejudices. So now, who then are the truly ignorant? Who are the real bigots? Who among us are guilty of possessing a closed mind? It is the radical Left my friends. It is the whores of the mainstream media my friends! That's who. Open your eyes America.