"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Bob Frantz

Around the 10 O'Clock hour Bob Frantz of WTAM went on, what can only be called, one of the most lucid verbal rants in recent talk radio history. I had called in to the show to make a comment on the air and was holding on the phone when this extemporaneous outburst went down. I would love to shake his hand and commend him personally for saying what is on the minds of millions of Americans. He basically called Obama to the carpet. He called out the loony sheriff of Pima county, Clarence Dupnik. He called out Paul Krugman, Pennsylvania congressman Brady, and the left wing media in general. The Left has pointed its finger at conservative Americans and he was PISSED! At the conclusion of his rant, he said that millions of Americans agree with him. He is correct. Thank you Bob Frantz.

As I write this, I am viewing the mugshot of Jared Loughner for the first time. This guy literally looks like Uncle Fester after completion the Nutrisystem program. Now I know this guy is wacked! I won't dishonor myself by linking to his photo, Trust me! "cuckoo! cuckoo!"

I held for about forty-five minutes and went through listening to a couple of other callers along the way. When I finally got on, Mr. Frantz had calmed down from his rant. I commended him for "one of the most fantastic articulations of rage that I had ever heard." He apologized for going off the rails. He said, "OK, deep breath." I told him that I was going to give him some pause. I said that I originally called to defend the Tea Party ... and of course I do. But I ended up making the point that internet has created this hyper-media model. It allows people like Loughner to look at the political discourse as if it were two parents arguing. No kid wants to hear that. He would pull bits and pieces out of the blue, but was unable to put together a logical train of thought. Then I called the media a whore and asked him if I was still allowed to say that. He noted that Dupnik was one of those who was whoring himself out to the media. My ultimate point was that there are millions of people out there that realize that the Tea Party is articulating what they have been thinking for some time. Ratings for people like Rush Limbaugh and Beck are high because these folks are articulating what the listener is thinking and not vice versa. They are providing the voice for a large portion of the population. That is why the ratings for Keith Olberman are so low. He articulates a smaller portion of the population. But I noted that I myself was a Tea Partier before there was a Tea Party ... and there are a lot of us out here.

So now I have managed to get on the radio two consecutive days. I say this not as if it is some egoistic milestone. I look at it as more of a curiosity ... something that has never happened to me before. But I am glad that I have been able to voice my voice. I hope that I was able to make a positive contribution to the show and to members of the WTAM audience.

One point he made that struck me: We should not be calling this thing the Tuscon Tragedy. We should be calling this the Tuscon Atrocity. Well stated.