"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Cleptocrats


This is how Mark Steyn refers to the depraved public sector unions for deliberately slowing down snow removal service in New York City.

Steyn ... brilliant as ever!

The failure of big government ... more specifically, the failure of a unionized government! ... allowing the denial of emergency services for the commoners ... blood on their hands! Shame.


Steyn interviews Walter E. Williams ... Brilliance meets Brilliance! .... What?! does it sound like I'm sucking up to the right?  ... too bad ...

...  they are both correctly understand how the welfare state subsidizes bad behavior. ... how taxation destroys supply ... how subsidies create unnatural excess.


Caller says: "Sulphur Dust .. buy this to cleanup a broken highly toxic mercury laden compact fluorescent bulbs. Take off gold jewelry ... since mercury will bind to gold."

We have to add these two to the fourteen other steps one must do to clean up a broken CFL.

"... the dismal glow of a CFL" 

How is it we allowing this potential introduction of poison into the homes of America to be an acceptable trade off for simply using less electricity? ... or having the freedom to choose the warm glow of an Edison bulb?

I think that the people in charge of this ridiculous scheme have been exposed ... TO MERCURY!


"Sclerosis of America ... nation of regulators" ...


The Bluff

Someone brought up to me the story of the Hawaiian governor vowing to release Obama's birth certificate. He wants to vindicate Obama. He wants to show once and for all that Obama was really born in Hawaii. I noted that the governor is bluffing in his supposed willful determination to make public Obama's birth certificate. It is against the law for him to dig.

Although I don't know a lot of the details of the Terry Lakin trial, I do believe he was the victim of a kangaroo court. This guy got railroaded for even questioning Obama's status.

The whole birth certificate conflagration is a complete misdirection play anyway. The issue is that Obama is a dual citizen. Many of Obama's formative years took place as a citizen of Indonesia.

Citizenry involves developing one's allegiance to the homeland. This does not happen when one has been schooled in the international scene (especially in those crucial formative grade school years) ... in time developing a pining for the little missions of youth.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. This is why Obama is so focused on fulfilling the mission of his father, which was, Marxist revolution. His separation from his father helped turn Obama's fascination (and possible despair) with his fathers absence into an apparition of a laudable ideology. After all, to him, the mission must be really important if it keeps a father from his son.

The paradox is that the ideology, and the application of it, has proven time and time again that it is an unsustainable path of wealth destruction and future instability. Marxism is a pure waste of human capital ... corrosion of the soul ... tithing to the State ... for the chance of distributed blessings. For Obama, this is irrelevant. His outlook is forged by his idealized vision of his father's mission. Let me assure you ... that mission is not consistent with the vision of the founding fathers.

The constitutional requirement for natural born citizenship was written exactly for someone like Mr. Obama. The wisdom of the forefathers is constantly unfolding.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Politifact equals Politifarce

Thank you Wall Street Journal for debunking and rebutting Politifacts conjecture that the biggest lie of the year was the phrase, "government takeover of healthcare." In the Plain Dealer coverage of the issue a couple of days ago, they skewered wordsmith Frank Luntz for coming up with the phrase.

Politifarce is short-sighted in its view. While it is true that the means of production have not been confiscated by the government, the facts are that the capitalistic environment has been damaged. The government is setting up a situation whereby the private delivery of health services will "whither on the vine." Then the government can demonize the private industry and provide a convenient solution.

Here is just another example of how the authoritarians create a crisis in order to provide a solution.

Oh. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

.... goodbye free speech ... kind of like this

This is the perfect example of bye bye free speech in America.

"What? This guy is critical of the government? Investigate him! ... and of course take his gun away!" Thank you Big Sis Janet!

..."The regulators, regulating the stipulations of the bureaucracy, as outlined by the directive, as handed down by the bureau chief, as passed on by the panel of regulators, issuing a plan, deemed legitimate by the study committee, as ordered to convene by the conference" ... Blah, blah, blah.

The result to the taxpayer: "That will come to two billion dollars sir ... and oh, give me your gun!"


Thank you Matt Drudge ... where would we be without you.

Mark Steyn

Brilliant, humorous, satirical, insightful. There are not enough positive adjectives to describe Mark Steyn. He filled in for Rush the past two days. There is no glitch in the system when Rush takes a break. Steyn even transfers well to television. He recently hosted for Hannity, and I think he performed admirably. He looks like boxer ready to get into the ring; he then destroys the opponent with charm. This guy's star is burning brighter and brighter.

The point is, beyond the talents of people like Steyn, he and Rush and others reflect the thoughts of a large swath of America. They are not brainwashing us ... we are choosing them to articulate our firm beliefs (common law principles, rule of law, limited government, low taxation, fewer regulations, etc.). Steyn destroys the ability of the Left to label people like me a "Dittohead." This is why the corporatists and statists like Mignon Clayburn want to regulate the internet. Free market competition has given rise to an amazing thing called the Internet. The government could never have built such a thing. True, the internet started out as a military communication system. But had the government maintained complete control of the internet as it came out of the lab, we would still be years and years behind where we are today.

Speaking of the regulatory drag that government imposes, Steyn brought up a brilliant point yesterday. He said, "the only qualification you need to be a regulator is to know how to regulate." Then he went on to read the resume' of Mignon as she rose through the regulatory ranks. This is why what the FCC is doing is so dangerous. IT MUST BE STOPPED! The machine has created a problem out of thin air in order to create a solution ... free speech is treading dangerously folks! He referred to Mignon Clyburn and her father the "House of Lords of bureaucrats." He is right. This is how the micro regulation of all things emerges ... it is not a nascent arising. It is nepotism, the constant overlap of regulatory responsibilities, and duplication of services. PURE AND SIMPLE.


Steyn used the word mellifluous yesterday. It is not a word that emerges in an everyday conversation. But it certainly rolls off the tongue as if it were onomatopoeia. It turns out that it is? ... oh, the beauty of the language! As someone interested in wordsmithing, I find the unfamiliar to be a challenge. The word, in short, means "sweet sounding."

Someone called in and recommended Steyn to be press secretary in a 2013 Republican administration. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE! That would truly be blockbuster entertainment. Steyn has a teflon coating and razor sharp wit. He would drive the left to insanity! ... where they belong!

Steyn has a vivid command of the language and an ability to string a cogent phrase together on the fly. That's quite a talent.

During the show, he brought up the Diane Sawyer interview with Big Sis, Clapper, and Brennan. These are the people in charge of fighting terrorism. Look at Clapper when Sawyer asks him about the twelve arrests in London that day. This is disturbing. The head on national security is completely unaware ....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Palin goes grizzly on Michelle

I have been watching the Palin reality show ... I must confess. Alaska has always been a fascination to me. As a child, I remember wondering exactly how big it is. I remember seeing how the Mercator projection distorts the size of the real estate as the map moves away from the equator. But it is still a really, really vast expanse. I would love to spend a summer there ... I'll put that on the bucket list.

I guess there is a big controversy now. Palin took Michelle to the mat with an offhanded comment she made about Michelle wanting us to start avoiding desert. At the time, I thought the comment was funny. Apparently this was all the talk on The View today ... darn! I missed it. ... that was sarcasm folks.

Here's the point: If Sarah Palin wants to give her own kids Smores, that is up to Sarah Palin. It is pure hypocrisy for Michelle Obama to advocate that the government should take over those parenting decisions. It is just wonderful to see Michelle tending to her vegetable garden ... but only if you realize that it is pure theatrics ... something this dictatorship is quite good at. In reality, Barack is sneaking cheeseburgers out of the Whitehouse pantry and the whole family ritualistically shovels down ice cream while on many of their many vacations. Government wisdom is for the "little people" like you and me.

Ah the "tyranny of the regulatory state" .... as Mark Steyn would say!

Recent thoughts on Palin: She has more true grit than 90% of Americans alive today. She is like the cool Mom of your good friend in high school. She is a perfect example of the modern feminist ... except that she doesn't advocate murdering the unborn and she has an optimistic outlook on life.

Should she run for president?

I'm going to say no. She should only run if Hillary Clinton challenges Obama for the 2012 nomination. Even then, it would be dicey.

Palin is tainted. Let's not mince words. Just as Obama taints the office of the presidency by going on shows like "Mythbusters," Palin diminishes her presidential cred by doing reality shows. Palin would suffer against Obama because the sitting president (with the backing of the media) would use sexism to diminish her. She also would be marginalized for failing to finish out her term as Governor. This doesn't mean that Palin has diminished her brand. I'm bullish on that. Her brand screams of self-reliance, perseverance, stick-to-it-ivness, toughness, grit, and optimism. This is something America needs more than ever. I believe it was James Carville who said, "If Hillary loaned Obama one of her balls, Obama would have one and she would be left with two". Well I think Palin could spare a whole extra set! I know you goof balls on the left are screaming ... but who cares? ... not me! I think Palin qualities would be best implemented with her as Energy Secretary in a Tea Party friendly administration. Who will that candidate be? I'm not sure yet.

I like Chris Christie's swagger ... but he is governor of a left wing state. Any breath of conservatism is amplified because of the hostile nature of the environment in which it exists. I like John Thune. I like the business sense of Mitt Romney ... but I don't think he could ever live down the health care debacle in Massachusetts. Mike Pence is solid. I like Paul Ryan, the budget hawk. I like Bobby Jindal ... but I can't get over that clammy Republican response speech he gave after Obama's State of the Union Address. He is definitely not teleprompter friendly. The question is, "Who is the next Ronald Reagan? Palin possesses the optimism, but she suffers from a level of high camp (teasingly ingenuous and sentimental) that fifty percent of America will never get over.


The FCC is going to impose net neutrality. This is the snowball being kicked off the edge of the mountain. In time, we will have an avalanche that will bury our notion of free speech. This IS the beginning of the slippery slope! WAKE UP!

The internet is the perfect example of what happens when you allow freedom to be the dominant force in a society. Whole industries grow, expand, and become powerful. This is exactly what the government HATES! ... this government anyway.

Here is a perfect example of the government trying to fix a problem that DOES NOT exist!

We are dealing with a group of radicals. They must be defeated.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Moral argument against taxes

Income is a form of private property. This is the singular fundamental argument.

I agree Rush.

The government hates private property.

I knew this when I was six years old. This is because we still taught American exceptional-ism  way back in the 1960's when I was in grade school. We actually learned about the founding fathers back then. We actually learned about the words, "We the people" and what that meant. We learned about why the government was set up to be limited in its scope.

John Adams quote:

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as
sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and
public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.".

You don't have to buy something in order to convert private money into private property.

This is a pure and salient point. This is not rocket science. Every American should realize that just because we have lived with corporatism and a shift toward corporate statism (OK, technically they are the same thing), it does not mean we have no redress. Does anyone get this? Taxation argues against the idea of private property. The government takes the stand that the individual is participating in an economy whereby each one is dipping into the common pool of mothers milk. However, this authoritarian administration goes even further. This administration believes that they themselves should have their hands wrapped around the udder of the cow ... and they will decide how to pass around the squirts of the mothers milk. This administration has it exactly backwards. It is the exact opposite of what the founding father envisioned. WAKE UP!

What is next? ... sliding scales for speeding tickets? Fines will be determined on your ability to pay.

This is the mentality of the Left. This notion is a provocative thought. But based on the logic of the Left, this makes perfect sense. If the government can increase the fine on wealth creation (via progressive taxes ... the more you make the more they take), what would stop it from employing a similar method when doling out fines for speeding tickets? This plays along the lines that the government owns all property and that we citizens simply are bestowed the honor of tapping into it for a while. The Loony Left views you and me (the unwashed masses) like it views wildlife. We are to be managed and controlled. We need to be processed through the life cycle. This is why the Democrats are so up in arms about raising the estate tax to ONLY 35%. If they had their way, everyone would just make the government the beneficiary of his or her estate. After-all, it's not really your money. This is really how these idiots think!!

It's kind of like this land management bill that is being pushed under the radar. The government wants to scoop up thousands and thousands of acres and prevent economic activity from taking place on these lands. After-all, according to them, there really shouldn't be any such thing as private property. The government is just re-claiming what is rightfully part of its domain.

It's like this outrageous omnibus spending bill. This congress refused to pass a budget by October (as mandated by law), and now they want to dump a 1.4 Trillion Dollar spending bill on the laps of Americans three days before the end of the session. And why is this omnibus spending bill originating with Harry Reid? ... All spending bills are supposed to originate in the House. This government is operating outside of the constitution. Harry Reid wants to commit one more giant act of thievery before the new congress is seated. The government has already stolen the wealth of your grandchildren and your great grandchildren ... now it is going after your great-great grandchildren!

The preceding is a paraphrasing of a late segment of Rush.

The premise of his comments are in regular font.

My comments are in bold.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Government Thievery!

Government Thievery! That's what it is!! The more I see of this tax bill, the less and less I like it. As a matter of fact I hate it! And now here comes another two thousand page spending bill ... all dressed up with lard and waste. It comes out to almost 600 million dollars PER PAGE. This is exactly what we voted against  .... EXACTLY!! what we voted against just last month. In the spring, I wrote about what would be happening in this lame duck ... and yes ... it's all true. It is the dems that are holding the continuation of the tax rates hostage. Remember ... Liberals always accuse the other side of doing precisely what they themselves do.

I will be calling every Republican to plead with them to vote against this bill. Don't let the Democrats twist our agenda of smaller government by allowing them to use the throwing of a bone to the wealthy as a high stakes sweetener. Don"t fall for the bait!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meeting Glenn Beck

It was a pleasure to meet Glenn Beck tonight at the Strongsville Walmart. He signed my copy of Broke and my new copy of The Christmas Sweater. I would have liked to have had a brief conversation with him, but I didn't want to hold up the line. I did mention that I was one of those bloggers and slipped him a note with the Fishyspeech address on it. I hope he stops by. Here is what I would have said if I could have had a minute to chat.

1. People tell me that he and I could have been separated at birth. People tell me quite often that I look like Glenn Beck.

2. That I will always remember meeting him on the day that Judge Henry Hudson deemed that Obamacare is unconstitutional. Hooray! This makes me very happy.

3. That he really should be covering the birther issue. The kangaroo court that Terry Lakin is being subjected to is an outright assault on justice and fairness. I understand why Beck is avoiding the birther issue ... but this is a legitimate constitutional issue. It deserves some attention.

4. That I wish I was meeting S.E. Cupp instead of him ;~)   (see previous post)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Nothing suprises me anymore

After struggling with unemployment for a good stretch, and becoming a living parable of everything I detest, I have snapped up another job in the service industry.

After watching myself fall into a slothful and lazy lifestyle, I realized that I had to snap myself out of it. It is a fact of human nature that, by accepting the government dole, the rugged individual is pushed toward inertia and inaction ... this is the nature of things. The government squeezes another drop of heroin-like subsistence into my veins ... and before you know it, I'm addicted.They shouldn't do that to me ... It only gives me time to think about a new revolution.

So now ... I am back to work ... delving into a true aesthetic in life ... fine yet simple participation ... like art ... focusing on the composition of space ... through time ... the space between the notes is as much a part of the music as the notes themselves ... all is flowing ... there is beauty in the world ... a Lester Burnham moment (American Beauty). This is my state.

This makes me think of art ... here is one piece I am proud to own ... an original Ian Clark.

This makes me think of another work of art ... I know a lot of people would give me a hard time for this one ... but there is something about S.E Cupp that makes me nuts ... it must be the glasses! I can see how so many left wing women would just absolutely hate her guts. It's kind of a turn on to me ... I can't explain it. I think a date with her would be non-stop laughter and positive vibes ... and a whole lot of sarcasm!