"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rush is hitting on all cylinders

Rush is hammering home that this campaign is not about Romney and it is not about the economy. He is spot on! We are in danger of Romney putting on his McCain oven mitts! This is the wrong tack.

Obama is a walking disaster. He just guaranteed that the middle class will see a HUGE tax increase in a couple of years.  He wants to keep the current tax rates for everybody EXCEPT the wealthiest. This is the class warfare magician at work. Turn away America! Turn away!

Rush is, and has been, pointing out that this unemployment economy is not like the unemployment economy of the 1930's. The subsistence provided today makes it not so painful. Hell, the government is proud of the fact that we have record numbers on foodstamps. This is the Orwellian world of Newspeak.  It's  true. To me, this alleviation of pain (by means of a government handout program), is just a slow bribe to accept the government intrusion in every other facet of life.

My goal in this election is to get the unemployed to vote for employment rather than permanent subsidies. As friends and neighbors of the unemployed, we must appeal to their sense of human dignity. I believe that half of the unemployed are chronic dependents. The other half don't want to be where they are. They have aspirations to create, invent, be part of a team, and attain meaningful employment. Those people need to root out Obama. It is up to them.

It is up to all of us!

So the big buzz is that Rush has called out the Romney camp. This campaign is about Obama not about Romney. This is a fire storm for the "Remove Obama" campaign. This is not a "Rah, rah for Romney" campaign. Will Romney go negative on Obama like he went negative on  Gingerich and Santorum? Are the super pacs ready to launch on Obama? I hope so.

I sort of had a preview of the reluctance of the Romney campaign to go negative. At the opposition rally against Obama, I had a couple of versions of the "Say No To Fear" poster (top of the page) I left one on the Romney tour bus. The Romney folks did not seem very warm to my negative depiction of Obama. When I revealed one of my captions to one of the Romney campaign staff, he scoffed in a way that said, "Yeah buddy. That's a bit over the top."

My charcoal drawing at the top of the page is available for syndication. If there is an entity out there that would like to secure the rights to this image for the rest of the campaign, please send an email. I am willing to listen to offers for the original.


All of the above demonstrates the need for a Christie VP nod.

Hannity just said the Portman, Rubio, and Ryan were his top three likely VP picks. Rubio has eligibility issues and Ryan needs to be in the legislature to sort out the fiscal mess. Portman would be fine with me ... but Christie would get me fired up! We need him on the ticket just for his sense of candor ... America needs a dose of in your face honesty. It will give the media red meat to chew on. The compassionate left media would make fun of his weight and classify honesty as hate speech. This process would allow Obama's opposition to grow some teeth in the heat of the late campaign battle. Christie would not mince words when it comes to the Obama disaster.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Toiling on the Government Treadmill ... boycotting the fireworrks

OK America! Is the shock wearing off yet?

I decided to boycott the 4th of July fireworks Wednesday night. If I would have had a Gadsen flag handy to wave, I might have gone to the celebration. But I would have been tempted to fly the yellow flag on top of the stars and stripes. I would not have done it because I still believe in the dream of freedom. To this, I can only utter the words, "Say No To Fear."

And now, because I believe in freedom and limited federal government, Janet Napolitano and the DHS want to label me a terrorist. They want to ignore the creeping Islamo-fascists and turn the Tea Party and constitutional patriots into enemies of the State.

Instead of watching fireworks, I managed to find some cable TV, I watched some of the Twilight Zone marathon on the ScyFy channel. What a classic show! One in particular was very timely. It is titled "The Obsolete Man." I believe the folks at ScyFy may have aired this one at that particular time as a statement of dissent. If it is true, then bravo to ScyFy Channel! It is the most prescient episode out there at this time in history! The main characters name is Romney! How about that? Creepy almost! Romney is a be-speckled librarian. He lives and works in a totalitarian state that has eliminated books. He stands in judgement at the end of a long table. It leads up to a great tall podium, where a man of the State and his kangaroo court of statist sympathizers judge this humble librarian (Burgess Meredith)and deem him to be obsolete. Follow the link for a good synopsis.

I won't go through the whole story. But in the end, the man of the State who sentenced poor Romney to death, was later judged by the new authority figure and a new kangaroo court as also being obsolete. 

The whole point of the story is that the man or woman of the State can the be eaten (destroyed) by the State at the next level of authority. The machinery of the State begins to grind and it eats up the little pieces first then grinds up the bigger ones. Those complicit with the State at the lowest levels assume their roles in the cushy Statist bureaucracy, believing that they cannot be eaten. How wrong they are. This is what was fully placed into motion on Thursday, June 28, 2012.

We have just slipped into the Twilight Zone. Donald Trump is saying that Obama will start a war with Iran to get elected. I put nothing past Mr. Obama.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Entropy barrier has been breached

Back in the early and mid nineties, I has a supreme fascination with chaos theory, self-similarity, fractals, and such. Has anyone out there seen the movie, "The Butterfly Effect" with Ashton Kucher? It demonstrates how one tiny change of events changes a whole host of events. As we approach the event horizon the tiny accumulation of the twists and turns of events leads up to a quantum event ... a quantum shift. This is what happened last week  in the Supreme Court. In the wake of the court's abandonment of the constitutional intent of limited government and individual rights, the chaos that was being stirred up over the last few years finally broke through the entropy barrier. It's a paradigm shift that imperils every freedom loving American!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Pelosi the bludgened martyr is a squealing broken robot of insanity

I mean seriously folks ... I didn't watch "Meet The Press" this past Sunday, but after hearing the audio clip of the insane Nancy Pelosi trying to explain that "this is not a tax, it's a penalty." Of course she is referring to the recent Supreme Court decision. That one clip was so disturbing ... minnie shudders are shaking my neck ...

... ohhhhhhhhhh ... I'm so glad I missed it! Well you know what? We don't like your word "PENALTY" either! It's just a little word that happens to appear 125 times in the new healthcare mandate.

This woman

This .... this .... sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... only my dissident art can express it!

 Pelosi the Statist

She is the broken robot of insanity. I can picture the eyeball popping out at the end of a spring ... and weird broken robot sounds coming out of her. Nancy! Listen up you giant mess of a broken machine.

IT ........ IS ..... A ... TAX!


AND ........ IT ..... IS ... THE .. LAW

The word "tax" appears a mere 583 times.

The great Obama lied to us ..... again!

I knew he was a liar before the 2008 election. I knew he was a liar when I saw him on television speaking at the 2004 Democratic convention. There is nothing democratic (small d ... democratic) about this guy!

When Nikita Khrushchev was banging his shoe on the table, Obama is what he hoped would fall out!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Supreme Inequity of the Kangaroo Court

I want to expand on my comments from this past Thursday. I stand by my words ... "the second tower just fell." I was of course making a metaphorical analogy. Last week was a grand and deadly attack from within. It was the greatest act of terror since 911.

It wasn't the immigration ruling itself that started the attack. It was the administrations reaction to the ruling that was abominable. The federal government is charged by the constitution with providing for the common defense. That means protecting the territory from invaders. Border jumpers are not immigrants. The term illegal immigrant is a purposeful misnomer. A foreign national does not attain the status of immigrant until he or she has completed the immigration process. Border jumpers are foreign invaders not illegal immigrants. This extra-constitutional government is ignoring its duty.  Obama tipped us off to the fact that he himself was tipped off about this ruling. The week before the ruling he shoehorned in some defacto amnesty (it was a nice little preview of what was to come). He somehow knew that the court was not going to give border enforcement power to the states because it is one of the Federal Governments enumerated powers. Arizona can now check the status of anyone trekking through the neighborhood until they're blue in the face ... the Feds are just going to let the phone ring and purposefully slow down the process ... So the federal government is going to do what it does best ... remain a beacon of mediocrity, corruption, sloth, and inefficiency. But  I'm sure they will get health care right ... Oh, goodness just give me the blue pill and let me end it already! Oh, but you would like that Mr. Federal Government ... wouldn't you now!

All last week when people would ask me, "What do you think will happen on the Obamacare ruling." I said over and over again, "The mandate will be struck down, but the court will find a way to implement it anyway."

... and so it was.

Now that we are learning about how Roberts flipped his vote late in the process, it is clear that Obama had the inside track again. Do you remember his demeanor in the days following the closing of the oral arguments? He looked fit to be tied! He was pissed ... and you could tell! It was clear that he thought it would be struck down. That's why nobody got it right in the media. Obama himself, being so thin skinned, could not dampen his displays of displeasure. Everybody said the law was toast because Obama himself thought it was toast!

The metamorphosis of this incubating dictator is almost complete ... and he is cutting his teeth on the constitution.

There should be an investigation into whether or not Roberts was threatened or coerced in any way by this administration (or other nefarious individuals or organizations).

... and another thing!

Check out this article from WSJ.com . Remember, Kagen was supposed to recuse herself from this ruling because she argued for the Federal Government in front of the Supreme Court in support of the healthcare mandate. She broke the recusal law. She was actually fighting for the Obama administration in a case that she would later see! THIS IS A KANGAROO COURT!