"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My read on the current delelgate count

Here is my read on the count. Here is is link to the stats:

Romney: 165
Santorum: 44
Gingrich: 38
Paul: 27

So what I do is I add two zeros at the end of each delegate count ... then I say,

"Romney 16,500% better than the policies of President Obama.

Santorum is 4,400% better than the policies of President Obama.

Gingrich is 3,800% better than the policies of President Obama.

Ron Paul is 2,700% better than the policies of President Obama."

Now, Mr. Obama. Please do not take this personally. I stated clearly in this blog early on that I could play a round of golf with you, have a beer with you at the 19th hole,  vehemently disagree with you in our subsequent social interaction, yet shake hands as respectable men ... agreeing to disagree. This is politics. This is not personal.

I think you are wrong in many ways, and I believe that you are completely untethered to any affirmative perennial philosophy. But I have no personal animosity toward you whatsoever. And if one of these guys doesn't get you out office     ...................... um ..................yeah ................... not a pleasant thought. Don't kill me ...  sir ... I could probably help you with your golf game, if anything. Talk to Immelt's old man ... He's one of my fans.

Monday, February 27, 2012

link to koch brothers firing back at Jim Messina and the Obama campaign ... fundraising letter

Rush just finished reading a letter written by Philip Ellender of Koch Industries. It is a brilliant response to the incubating dictator and his minions.

Read the letter here.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A scary five minutes on the bridge of a freeway ... the re-emergence of Newt Gingrich

I just experienced a rush! ... a rush of traffic ... a rush of thought.

A friend of mine called me for help. He had run out of gas on the I-480 Valley View bridge. Being that I live in a state of Independence in the city of Independence, that bridge is just about one mile away. So I hopped in the truck, full gas can in hand, and made it quickly to the point where he and his amazing dog were stranded. Most anyone in the Cleveland area knows this bridge. It traverses the Cuyahoga valley. Let me tell you, the flow of traffic is swift! I naturally pulled up behind his vehicle with my flashers on. I didn't get out of the car. I was just watching the traffic pour by us in the side view mirror while my friend poured in the gas. I could feel my truck swaying in response to the buffeting waves of air from the quickly passing vehicles.

Then the thought popped into my head. Are any of these people looking down to their phone to answer a call? Is some idiot trying to text in the supposedly slow lane? I cinched down to make sure my belt was on tight. When we got to the gas station he refilled my tank (here is a shout out to etiquette). I said hello to the dog and my friend and I we were talking about how scary the little episode was. He said, "you would think people would get over." He is right. Driving etiquette requires that vehicles approaching from behind and coming up to a disabled vehicle are supposed to make a lane change to assure a clear distance. I would say only twenty percent changed lanes. The perception of speed is quite different when cars are zipping by you 70 MPH and only three feet away from you!

The experience gave me a direct feel of how vitally important it is to have the free flow of oil. Domestic production of oil is vital! This is where Obama can be taken down. The campaign against Obama is like powerpoint presentation. Point, click, next screen. Start with oil and bowing to the Saudis. Work back to the first amendment stomping, Keystone clampdown, Solyndra, Fast and Furious, healthcare takeover (deemed as passed), Government Motors (screw the bondholders), and finish up with Joe the plumber (spread the wealth). You can work back from there to Jeremiah Wright, Acorn, Saul Alinsky, etc.

This is where the Newt option becomes viable. He has Palin in line for energy secretary (in my opinion) and Caine lined up for commerce. Newt possesses the quality of a statesman. He is articulate and can communicate the common sense of Obama absurdity. I still don't like the Abramoffian ties with Newt. But I'm just throwing it out there. I see Newt re-emerging.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Santorum can have the bumbling Clark Kent Moments ... and republican campaign strategy santorum romney gingrich

At the recent Arizona debate we got to see the defensive Santorum. But keep yourself open to the big picture. This is all part of the Team Obama plan. I agree with Rush. Occupy Wall Street was set up last year in anticipation of Romney as the likely foe. They hounded Caine and Newt about the sex stuff. Santorum was set up with the social issues so as to make him trip up over his tongue. Ron Paul ... they won't attack him because they want him to run third party. The operatives must be drooling over Paul right now. The idea is that Obama is trying to deliberately place spin on the candidate of his choice. He stepped on the Catholic church to rouse Santorum. I believe it was totally concocted to squeeze Santorum.(Obama actually just stepped on everybody. We are finding out what's in the thousand plus pages of the government health care takeover).

Each candidate has a chink .... oh no! ... in the armor. OK ... I'm going to use the term Achilles Heel. Is that term OK with the thought police? Each candidate has a weakness, and Obama is using the old divide and conquer technique. Classic move ... a no-brainer! This is what needs the attention. Obama now has all of his campaign commercials practically made for him.

Here is what needs to happen. Before Super Tuesday, each of the candidates should agree to have a press conference... all four together ... (OK ... maybe minus Ron Paul).  They should do a photo op of them all together. Here is the way forward. Each one should say publicly that no matter who ultimately gets the nod for the nomination, each of the other two (or three) will campaign for the nominee. They need to agree to publicly defend each other in the final showdown. When Obama starts running the "circular firing squad" primary, caucus, and debate footage, each former candidate can go out there, defend the nominee, and tongue lash Obama for his socialistic policies. Now we have three or four voices sucking up airtime and media attention rather than just the nominee and his VP candidate. Don't forget about the advantages we are accruing by this drawn out affair.

We don't want hard feelings after the dust settles. It is very important to see them unite before Super Tuesday.

I listened to Mark Levin interview both Santorum and Gingrich.

Listen Here


Romney starts to sound great ... then he steps in it. Today he was talking about his economic plan ... then he says that the very rich won't get as much of a tax break because he want to maintain a progressive tax code. The word "progressive" is the last word a conservative wants to hear

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fifty years since John Glenn's trip in orbit! Oh the days of dreaming big!!

I had the chance to shake John Glenn's hand in Vail, Colorado. He smiled when I told him that I was from Ohio. He seemed like a good hearted soul. I know, how dare I say something nice about a Democrat. Hey, back then when Glenn served in the Senate there were a lot of Democrats that were more conservative than 99% of the Democrats today.


Jennifer Stefano was brilliant on Hannity's radio show today! Brilliant! She was railing against "Michelle 'Antoinette' Obama" off on a ski trip and hanging out with the elites. In honor of your beautiful rant I have posted this picture.

... Oh, and about this whole Jeremy Lin "chink in the armor" hubub. This is so silly. Let's just finish off the first amendment completely!! Such bull crap. This is all intended to get America off onto the tangent of hyperbolic hypersensitivity. (Let's get back to the issues: Unemployment, deficits, economy, taxes, etc.) This also leads me back to FDR. How about when FDR put the Japanese into internment camps? Who got fired for that?! Was that an insult to people with Oriental descent? I'm just wondering.

So here is FDR on the Amberjack II before his internment gig.

FDR on the yacht while America was in the throes of the Great Depression. Democrats have not changed. H.G. Wells even wrote about it. See link below.

Obama and company have taken it to a new level! George Bush would clean up brush at the ranch and the media pegged him as a vacation prone golf maniac. We have multiple plane trips and entourages to exotic locations by this clown act ... and .... still ...... nothing .....I hear crickets.

Oh! Look .... below the fold ... why it's none other than the father of the income tax and father of the United Nations Cordell Hull.  and Ramsay MacDonald ...  Smashing!! Hull was the guy who would someday block Jewish refugees from coming to America just as they were being slaughtered in Hitler's Germany. Nice guy ... won the Nobel Peace Prize. It's just amazing to me that, even back then, it was awarded to illogical candidates.

Oh and they're at the world conference in London ...

Read the opinion of H. G. Wells by clicking here

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Billy Cunningham is taking Santorum to task for being sucked into the media setup. I did not see the Bob Sheefer interview of Santorum this morning. According to Cunningham, Santorum has allowed himself to be painted as an extremist. Instead of focusing on the real issues of energy policy, inflation, deficits, unemployment, he allowed himself to be drawn into the weeds by the media. I must say that I'm glad I missed the interview. I too would be pulling my hair out. The Occupy movement was invented to stomp on Romney and the Contraception issue was formulated to stomp on Santorum ... I can hear Obama now ... "Uh ... this Santorum fella ... he's a Catholic huh? ...uhhhhhhhhhh ... let's tick him off real good. Let's stomp on religious liberty and paint this Santorum fella as a right wing extremist. Divide and Conquer that's the ticket."

Wayne Alyn Root was brilliant as Cunninghams opening guest ... www.rootforamerica.com. He points out how common sense is evaporating when it comes to the focus of the real issues. All we have to do is look at Europe. We are soon to be like Greece if we don't turn it around. All of the solutions are out there. Do the exact opposite of what Obama is doing and there is real hope. Continue on the same path and you get Greece. No crystal ball needed. The "yellow media" is again trying to write the script. Today they succeeded.

What happened today is what I was afraid of when I wrote my pre-Iowa perspective. I was wondering in print if Santorum could pull the white middle class female vote. Based on what happened today ... probably not. This is not a social issues campaign. This is a jobs and economy campaign.
First of all: Mitt! Rick! Get off the earmark thing! It's chump change. Don't deal in your chump change. Deal with Obama's chump change. His whole vision is "chump change" ... sucka! Obama will inflate his way to re-distribution of wealth. In other words, the millions and billions being  handed out by the Obama deficit machine will end up completely in the hands of the statists. Then they say, "so what if bread costs $50.00 a loaf, I started a now defunct green energy company and pocketed 25 million taxpayer dollars. Eat shit and die Mr. middle class!"

You see how this shit works America!


Oh yeah, I know Google. My screen often goes to a popup window which says that I "have logged off from another location." I am completely aware that this blog is monitored. The first amendment of the constitution is being choked as we speak. Why stop with religion? Why not move on to intellectual dissent. Why not just call constitutionalism ... um ... let's call it sedition an have a beer. Who goes to jail first? Mark Levin? Or some schmuck like me? Revolt at the ballot box America!

Oh ... it happened again.

Above is a screenshot of this


Wow! This is really, really getting good! I love it! America loves it! One of Santorums top supporters made the joke that "in his day birth control was cheap. Women used aspirin. They held the aspirin between their knees ... worked great!" America hates political correctness! I only heard the clip. I didn't see the reaction of Andrea Mitchell. Priceless! I love it.

Santorum himself rips into Obama and his numbers soar! Yes! Obama, who has spent the last three years trying to convince America that his distorted actions are normal, is accusing Republicans of distortion and negativity. This is truly a man with a forked tongue!

The reason Santorum needs to get in is so that he can go after the money that has been stolen from the taxpayers. Romney would just let it go. He would say something like, "They raided the treasury like bandits ... oh well ...that's in the past. Let's look forward." We may be able to talk him into to it. but Santorum would shake it up.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rush is my ditto head

When I heard early this morning that Eric Holder and the Justice Dept.  just got a 25 billion dollar settlement from the big banks, the first word that came into my head was "shakedown." Rush has just brilliantly articulated the absurdity of the whole thing.

My feeling is this. When Rick Santorum becomes president, Holder should be investigated and criminally prosecuted for extortion. He should be pounding rocks along with many of the other criminals in the Obama administration.
If I had any doubt about my commitment to vote for Santorum, he just erased all doubt for me!


In an interview with Beck, he called Romney a "technocrat manager." That's a pretty good description. He points out that, while Newt and Mitt tear each other apart, neither can differentiate themselves enough from Obama himself. That's quite lucid. He also said that the whole money issue is irrelevant when going against Obama. Every person going against him will get outspent. He also noted that, with the media on the side of Obama, the candidate must have the issues on his side. Amen Rick!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Go Rick Santorum! This is getting good folks. I know a good number of conservatives out there are convinced that this field isn't so strong. I really do disagree. Even the great Rush Limbaugh has said something to the effect that this isn't a great field.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Mark Levin

Mark Levin is doing an insightful interview with John Lott. He is explaining how Obama's tax hikes on the marginal rates, tax penalties imposed as dollar income rises, and high capital gains taxes are destroying the capital markets. No international investor wants to put money into such a high tax capital environment.  He is also explaining why the capital gains tax is (and should be) lower than the marginal rates. The corporation has already given 40% of the profits in taxes (unless you are GE). The secondary distribution to the investor is then taxed again. So really, the capital gains tax should be dropped to zero ... at least no more than ten percent. www.johnrlott.com.

I am looking forward to reading Levin's "Ameritopia."