"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The long silence ends

I have refrained from posting for some time. I am moving more toward a place of peaceful repose. The law of attraction had been working against me. I had been focusing too much on my own distaste for our Manchurian President. And now congress has given him executive powers to shut down the internet for four months. This has to be unsettling to any American that treasures his constitional right to free speech.

You can despise the ideas of a person, debate him for hours to a draw or a tie, and yet treat him with honor and respect, receiving honor and respect in return. This is the middle path. These posts are a series of vitriolic rants against the left. I am not ashamed of my positions. I am proud of them! I will try to harnass my rage against the machine as the machine attempts to put America over the brink. When Obama said he was bringing us back from the brink ... he was lying.

Obama eulogized the late Senator Robert Byrd (a former recruiter for the KKK) and praised him for abandoning his wrong-headed youthful ideas. Someone has to point out that Robert Byrd was 28 years old when he wrote that he would rather die a thousand deaths and have the American flag trampled upon rather than fight next to a Negro (his word) in a war. I believe he also used the words "race mongrels" in the same letter.

Bill Clinton then says that Robert Byrd  only became a member of the KKK so that he could get elected. Then my jaw hits the floor. And they call Republicans, Libertarians, Patriots, and constitutionalists racists? Outrageous! Oh, buy the way, Robert Byrd was 51 years old when he filibustered the Civil Rights Act.

... and just now I get a phone call that I have been fired from my bartending job. Ah ... the irony of it all. I just got fired by a walking, talking, idiot of a man ... with an ego based on a formless, spineless whim of his delusional authority. He is a man that needs to throw sand in the eyes of those looking upward ... the smallness of his soul reaching out to choke the spirit of the competent optimist. It sounds like I am describing a statist. And RJL is a little tiny mini statist running his shrinking little piece of inherited kingdom. You know RJL ... your father was the real man. Remember? I knew him ... he was a great man ... a kind man ... a genuine man. You are none of those things! I was working for a statist. Now I am free!

So did the law of attraction work for me or against me. I would have to say "for me" ... despite my perceived bad luck. I of course am referring to the book titled "The Secret." Although it could be labeled as pop culture fluff, it was a very inspirational read. Much of what is written there jibes with my own fascination with chaos theory, fractal geometry, quantum physics, and aesthetics. I remain optimistic about life!

And I started the piece today stating that people can disagree and still bestow honor upon each other.

But you have to realize that some people are so mislead by their own stupidity and ego attachments that their souls are shrunken down into tiny little dwarf stars ... moving toward the black hole an into the void. Life becomes petty and inspiration only drawn from the heights of that pettiness. The master of me for the last few months specializes in pettiness. His inability to woo the gal has reduced him. I feel sorry for him and I forgive him.

Broader horizons await for me. This unexpected summer vacation will allow me to finish my manuscript for the future New York Times best selling diet book I am writing. It will free me to return some focus on painting and the arts. I will see some tall ships this week in the harbor and seek my next challenge ... be it a return to Vail, the tropics, or Australia. The bucket list keeps growing. First and foremost on my list: help Peter Corrigan unseat Dennis Kucinich this fall. I have to give headquarters a call.