Stephen Colbert just exposed Jeb Bush for the loser that he is. If Jeb Bush
becomes the Republican presidential candidate he will lose to the
criminal Hillary Clinton or some other radical leftist. I have absolutely no
doubt!. Exclamation point, comma, period. Low energy is not even the word for this guy. Awkward ... maybe. Then he started talking ... and it got worse! Jeb even tried to throw the Tea Party a
little bone, but not before playing the same boring routine of making sure that we understand that he is not questioning BHO's intentions. He started calling out his brother George W. on the reckless spending after barely a prod by Colbert.
I'm sorry Mr Bush but we have the pre Tea Party and the Tea Party. The
pre Tea Party movement started in those years at the end of your
brothers presidency. We were getting fed up with the reckless spending. But don't pander to me. You can only pander to me if you say the phrase, "zero baseline budget." Even then, I would know you were lying. I want a leader who will call for a convention of the states to amend the constitution. We want to amend the constitution to force the federal government to balance the budget and pay down the debt. We want to amend the constitution to set term limits on congress and on Supreme court judges. I want a president who will call upon the states to reign in the Leviathon of the overarching government. Will you Jeb Bush call for that? I highly doubt it! Congratulations "Veto Corleone." You vetoed thousands of line items in Florida. Whoopeee! You don't get the line item veto as president!
Foreseeing the treachery of BHO, I was a fool to fall for McCain. Seeing the treachery of BHO first hand, I was a fool to
fall for Romney. But I will not be a fool and fall for you, Jeb. Really though,
this feckless and pathetic excuse for a Senate
and a Congress needs to be led... By a leader. I do not see a whole lot of fire in the belly there. You are not it! I'm out ... way out! If it comes down to you and Hillary, I will sit on my hands. If you thought four million Republicans sitting out on Romney was a lot ... Ten million of us will sit out if you are the pick. It's true. Face reality.
Mr Bush, your deadpan delivery of your pander to the left (claiming that you do not believe that BHO's intentions are
bad) fell completely flat. Even the dimmest of the dim can understand
what person's intentions are by paying attention to what the other person pays
attention to, and more so, by paying attention to what that person then ignores. Over time it
becomes pretty damn clear the nature of a persons intentions. Even those who cannot articulate the motives of another individual can clearly sense the nature of his intentions. When the consistent result of a persons actions leads to more strife, more dependency, more weakness, more division, more unemployment, more taxes, more regulation, more waste, more neglect, more health care costs, more loss of religious freedom, more ISIS, more illegal aliens, more treaties with absolute enemies, more appeasement, more apologies, more military cuts, more flipping the middle finger at the constitution, more love of bad science, and more, dare I say, hopium, it becomes harder and harder to accept that all of these things just happened by accident. BHO announced his intention way on back there in 2007. Remember the old slogan "The total transformation of America" Hey dummy, it wasn't just a slogan. It was an announcement of his intention. So Jeb Bush just demonstrated himself to be, as Mark Levin so brilliantly points out, the dimmest of the Bush brothers. He is barely flickering at a couple of watts or so ... very dim. I think maybe all of the common core math actually cracked his bulb ... quite dim. Nothing personal. I'm sure that you are a really nice guy ... like Joe Biden ... affable, but not all completely there.
"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."
This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Jeb Bush,
no confidence,
Presidential candidate
Monday, September 7, 2015
Mallory in a Maelstrom

A few days ago I was messing around with some black and white acrylic and this thing emerged. I was working on a visual prop for my upcoming book "Shortcuts to the Shortgrass." It's a golf book. Well, I messed up. So I started streaking the paint around. I started out doing a gesture drawing of Trump. It wasn't working because the whole time I was thinking about what a wretch we have in Hillary Clinton. As I swirled it around, this woman's face came through. It doesn't really look like Hillary, so I re-named it. But you get the idea. Biden will likely enter and Hillary will likely exit. That is my gut feeling. She is toast! I think it will be Biden vs. Trump. That way the government can be used again to suppress the vote. Trump will likely gain as the only one willing to call these cronies to the carpet in real time. That is something Romney could not bring himself to do.
Friday, September 4, 2015
I cannot believe that it has been almost three years since my last post. Look at what has happened since the hapless, kid gloved, "aw shucks" Mitt Romney handed the bully his lunch money. We have the top down agitator in chief destroying the fabric of everything that built this great country.
Form here, what do we have to look forward to? A Saul Alinsky disciple Hell bent on destroying the country further ... but in her own special way? This, ladies and gentleman is the bloody belle of Benghazi. She is unfit, and just as bit as dangerous as good old BHO. I just can't say this fools name anymore. Then we have Hillary's dunce successor, John Kerry the master appeaser. Now there is another dark road of despair I don't even want to discuss. These idiots are selling out the future. I did a quick drawing of Hillary a few weeks ago. I was not looking at a picture of her when I drew this. I was trying to just get the sense of her energy. That is what came out.
Soon after Trump announced, I did a few quick sketches of him. These were all three minute sketches ... just trying to get the energy of Trump. The funny thing is, I never got the urge to draw Walker or Rubio, or any of the other candidates. I may do some sketches of the others as we get closer to the primaries. The only way I will produce a Jeb Bush sketch is if I can pair it up with a Hillary sketch with the following caption: "No More Dynasties!" I have been in a constant state of despair at the thought of a Bush/Clinton match-up. You know that saying, "I think I threw up a little in my mouth and swallowed it back." That is what happens when I think of a Bush/Clinton race.
OK ... so they don't really look like Trump ... but they were just some gesture exercises.
I think the majority of sane America has been swallowing their own puke for a long six and a half years. Mr. Trump is tapping in to that simmering disgust with political correctness. I say "Bravo, my birther brother in arms!" If you have the ability to garner the nomination, you should pick Ted Cruz as your VP pick just to dare the media to try to create a birther controversy. I would love to watch the smackdown!
Let me digress. Even if BHO's mother gave birth to the communist diaper baby in Canada, little BHO would still be a USA natural born citizen. His mother was a citizen, so he is a citizen. The problem with BHO is that he became a citizen of Indonesia when his mother married Sotero and BHO moved to Indonesia. I believe that Trump has the goods on BHO. Somewhere there is a copy of Obama's college entry papers which declare him enrolled as a foreign student. Dual citizenship (and hence dual loyalty) is what the founders were trying to prevent. Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a citizen of the United States. So he is a citizen. To avoid controversy, he renounced his Canadian citizenship two years ago. I don't recall BHO denouncing his Indonesian citizenship ... huh? Have you? No matter, BHO solved the whole problem by releasing an amateur Photoshop rendering of his official Hawaiian birth certificate. I still have a copy of that shoddy piece of fraud.
Somebody has to be willing to stand up there in front of the American people and declare BHO to be the fraud that he is! So far, Trump seems to be the only one willing to do it. The more he is willing to go there, the bigger his support will grow.The more he is willing to point out how another term at the helm by the radical left, is just another nail in the coffin for American exceptionalism, the more he will gain.
Enough for now. It's good to be back.
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