It's funny ... the last time I read the cover of the Plain Dealer was when I found this newspaper (and many) others tucked underneath a layer of old linoleum in the attic floor of an old home. All of the newspapers were from the summer of 1933. Check out this article.

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Fascinating ... in the zeitgeist of time, Hitlers plan for Germany was the counterpart of Roosevelt's new deal!!
"But noooooooooooooooooo! ... the New Deal wasn't about socialism!" That is the common refrain.
Another interesting tidbit concerns the explanation about why the Jews were being persecuted ... they were the evil "Capitalist bankers"
How can you look at this article and tell me that history is not trying to repeat itself?
I'm sure everything will be just fine ... after-all, Obama has just embarked on his "We Can't Wait" campaign. For those who may be living in a cave, Obama is just going to side step congress and begin issuing executive order after executive order to follow through on his wealth redistribution program. Is this ringing any bells?
On the Bob Frantz show I called Obama the "incubating dictator." How can you possibly prove me wrong? If you kill me .... it still makes my case!
The motto for the anti-Obama campaign is "Say No To Fear."
Here is a poster I am working on.
This says it all!