This image sums up everything ...
Obama says, "Don't call my bluff!?" Mr. Cantor ... please announce, "all in!" Mr. Cantor: Sit in the room and stare him down. The country is with you. We are ready for the bitter pill.
I haven't been following the talking heads much because I have chosen the cable free life. I catch up on the news through my smart phone. But other than that, I am free of the spinmeisters. However, I am doing a brief stint of pet sitting in a home that is cable friendly. I did catch Greta Van Sustren last night and a re-airing of The Five. I like The Five. I am glad to see that Greg Gutfeld is getting some prime exposure. He is a witty professional.
On Greta:
Bachman lucidly exposed the lying that is going on about this debt ceiling. She looked composed and spoke logically about the numbers. She should definitely keep that hair pinned back. She looks more refined and credible. Yep ... Obama blew up the budget and rubber stamped all the spending introduced by the two majorities in the legislature. This is a legislature that refused to put forth budgets. This is all on Obama and Reid right now.
Trump took Paul Ryan to task. According to Trump, the congress should have forced Obama to put something on the table. He noted that the Republicans on the Hill are terrible negotiators. He does know the Art of the Deal. I consider that a valid argument.
Pawlenty showed up to go through his talking points. Give it up Mr. Pawlenty. You're not the one. He looked plastic and draped in rhetoric.