"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

... heavy sigh

Dennis Kucinich is putting his two cents in about this labor  .... what is the word?... Obama force tactic. Kucinich tried to make some calm, reasoned defense of the (slush fund) government union labor.

He didn't sound so magnanimous then.

Kucinich, and the rest of the 20% of the hard left, wants to make sure that all the people are a people totally "of, by and for" the government ... this is opposite of a government which is "of, by and for" the people. Government is the servant, not the master. This forces the hand of those who enjoy the freedoms recognized by the founders as a freedom which is beyond man ... beyond what can be meted out by an unrestrained earthly creature. The taxpayer will revolt.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Left

Wait just one minute my union friend, I thought the healthcare system was broken.

Apparently it wasn't broken for you.  Oh, I get it ... tell the world that healthcare is broken ... then intentionally break it ... then blame the Right for holding down the worker when that very breakage forces a budgetary crisis. Yes  ... I see. Cultural crisis is fun for this bunch!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Federal Hammer (and sickle)

Obama has made a statement about the activities and protests in Madison, Wisconsin. He makes some  arms length presidential comment ... as if he is above it all. Yet it is his own organization, Organizing for America, that is responsible for staging the protests.

He is fulfilling his role of creating the "Sputnik Moment." Tunisia was the ignition .... to quote a classic David Bowie song, "ground control to Major Tom ... commencing countdown, engines on." Tunisia was "engines on." Then came the State of the Union speech. Even today, I wonder what union he was talking about. Was he talking about the state of the union of the United States of America? ... or was he talking about the state of the union of the United Workers of the World?  Clearly it is the latter. He called for the "Sputnik Moment." In my mind it was a Manchurian code word for the launch of the toppling of the Middle East and the toppling of the USA itself. He is following through by spawning protests in Madison, Wisconsin and Columbus, Ohio.

He is The Manchurian President!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Budget

My comments on the new Obama budget can be found at the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots blog.

Based on his news conference about the budget yesterday ... He continues to be a professional liar ...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

They go Uppity-U- Up ... They go down-ditty-down-down

As I listen to Rush rolling off sarcastically about the growing list of diminishing superlatives that America has become. It brings to the mind the picture of that movie Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines.

I think everyone has seen the archival footage of the airplane with six sets of wings trying to take off ... it starts bouncing up and down ... then it breaks apart. The following clip give you the general idea.

... same thing.

So now that Obama is intent on crashing the plane into the barn, we get in the situation where "anything less than complete re-distribution of wealth is unacceptable." Lets have every single poor person just win the lottery. Stuff a bunch of fiat cash in their pockets. Such fools!

We are the beacon of how prosperity is created. How does a sane mind not understand this?

Only the spread of capitalism can create wealth. Governments do NOT create wealth. Governments confiscate wealth.

I'll either be in Phoenix or D.C. by the end of the month.

The hearsay machine

Here is the perfect example of how the media has turned into a "hearsay machine". They are so desperate to jump on the Palin hating bandwagon, that they will use a satire piece and report it as fact. Follow this link to find out how irresponsible the media has become. The mainstream media cannot be trusted. The problem is that a large segment of the population, many of which suffer near the downward slope of the IQ Bell Curve, will read garbage like this and simply accept it as fact. They have been so conditioned (through the repetition of lies by the media) that they will read something like this and say, "That doesn't surprise me ... Palin is a nut bag Teabagger." Herein lies the problem: Propaganda works!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunny Vail day

Today the weather in Cleveland reminds me of the four months I spent in Vail last winter. The sky is blue, the air is clear, the snow a bit blinding ... Wow! Out west I would have pulled out the shades. But here I open my eyes wide to soak it in. The terrain is a good bit different too and I can't even bring myself to ski on the bunny hills of Ohio. How I miss Vail! The bright sun brings is an element of optimism that is hard to explain but always felt.

As I was chopping up some ice in the driveway, I thought too myself, "I didn't see this much snow and ice in Vail last winter" ... not at the base anyway.

I feel like a few days away from political commentary. But it's hard to shut up.

Rumsfeld is getting panned by the press ... Diane Sawyer is trying to get him caught up in the hypothetical, "Well, what would you have done had you known about WMD." Yawn ... So tiring ... the Left. They put forth a premise that is impossible to respond to because their is a complete lack of logic in the question. I guess Maureen Dowd dressed him down in her pathetic column in the New York Times. Meanwhile, he's talking to Rush and explaining the over 1300 foot notes and how these all have web links to more context. If the narrative of the 850 pages is not enough, you can get more information online. Here is the point: The people who say, "Find out for yourself. Do your own homework. Investigate further links on the web. Don't be fooled  by propaganda." These are the people who are called crazy by the Left. Rumsfeld pointed out that never was a Koran flushed down a toilet. This rumor was started (in my opinion by the Guantanamo prisoners themselves) and perpetuated through a media that relies on hearsay these days rather than fact. He also pointed out how the Abu Grahib photos were about some twisted prison guards (I think that they had some weird pycho-sexual S&M fantasy) ... it was not about the terrorist interrogators. The problem is that we are dealing with Islamic radicals that truly do have a sadist fantasy. They find enjoyment in the slaughter and torture of all who will not accept Sharia law. Rumsfeld also brought up one of my favorite teaching tools. He talked about viewing the night time satellite image of the Korean peninsula. He noted how Democracy produces abundance (South Korea) and totalitarianism produces scarcity (North Korea). This is what we are fighting. We are fighting those who hope for a new Dark Ages ... we are fighting the new barbarism.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Checkers and Chess

Obama ... the same guy that said "if you bring a knife we'll bring a gun," is the same guy that, in the scope of foreign policy, brings checkers to a chess match.

Do you folks realize yet that this man is a professional liar? ... beyond anything we have ever seen in the political arena.

Friday, February 4, 2011

No fast track for Obamacare

The Attorney General of Virginia wants to fast track Obamacare to the Supreme court. Eric Holder doesn't want to. Why? Well, if they can drag this out and begin implementing Obamacare (in contravention of the Federal Courts decision that the law is unconstitutional), it will become tenaciously entrenched. This is one explanation.

The other is more dubious. If Obama can get one more Supreme Court nomination, he may catch an inside straight on the river card. He will have to wait for one of the conservatives to kick or wait for one to get bumped off by one of his Left wing mobs.

... and these are the people that call the Tea Party racist? These are the people calling for civil discourse?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews is truly a walking and talking dolt. He is counting on you being misinformed to buy into his garbage. It appears that he had to go to a high school history teacher to realize that George Washington had slaves. Duhhhhhh ...... (Note to self: Check for signs of labotomy next time I see this guys picture). This is the perfect example of dumb-dumb medicine in action. His rambling rant, which relies on rapidity of delivery to obfuscate facts, only exists to bend listener to an emotive response. Other than that of propagandist, he serves absolutely no purpose. At least Olberman could make it interesting by stringing together a litany of obscure adjectives! Olberman was at least cogent.

Olberman is like my Leftist friend that I used to work with. We disagree with each other profoundly on just about everything. But every once in a while I have to engage the enemy, stop into the old restaurant, visit some former co-workers, and have a discussion with my confirmed Leftist friend. There is one curious thing that comes to my mind right now. The restaurant business is the ultimate capitalist challenge. The restaurant business relies on the empathy of capitalism. Bad service equals no business, and ultimately, out of business.

Again, capitalism is born on empathy and not greed.  It is helping you get what you want by helping others get what they want.

Now "crony capitalism" ? ... that's another story ... and another long post.

Part of business is to find other like minded individuals that can help you express your own value while, at the same time, adding value to the other individuals. This is the basis of our free society. The mantra of the modern media is that this idea of mutual support is somehow greedy and evil. The big media types say, "Leave the big ideas to the government." Now this is where the crony capitalism exists. Have you noticed that the list of entities that get a waiver for Obamacare has topped 700? Do you see how this garbage works? I see. The empathy is now handed down from the government to groups that need "special help".

I have buried the lead here: Obamacare has been ruled unconstitutional by Judge Vinson in Florida. Thank You! Eighty percent of you out there know this. We are 80/20. Don't ever forget it!

It is a huge victory! It's pedal to the metal time. The minority in the Senate needs to push hard now ... no let up ...