"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Picking Our Way Through The World

As we make our way through the world, we meet some interesting people. We meet people that we connect with; we meet others with which we feel indifference. We meet some that evoke outright disdain. Some people have light energy; Others have the energy of a black hole, trying to suck others of lighter energy into a cauldron of negativity. Sometimes it can be so bad that we wonder if the person we are encountering needs a strict regimen of pharmaceuticals ... or perhaps the discontinuation of all pharmaceuticals ...we can't figure it out. No matter. In all experiences, we learn. So let me relate my experience with one of those light energy people.

This individual's initials are O.M. While this may inspire the thought of a Bodhisattva meditating and chanting the sound of all creation, you would be mistaken. This individual was born in Tel Aviv and studied at Brandeise University. He is a liberal Jew born and bred! He is steeped in the liberal ideology of his upbringing and education. There is no way to present an argument that will sink in past his conditioning. Yet he is one of the coolest cats I have met out here in Vail! But he is a typical liberal in one sense. Rather than discussing any philosophical difference rationally, he would rather plug his fingers into his ears and go "la la la la la." He has never actually done this. But he does it in a virtual sense. His attitude is that his ideology is by default correct, and he wouldn't want to dislike me because of my "off the ranch" kind of thinking. So when I give him a ribbing that Obama is dissing his boy Bebe Netanyahu, and that Obama is an anti-Semite, he changes the subject. But we can joke about our differences and make light of the thing, despite our entrenched opposite views. I have, and have had, many other liberal friends and acquaintences. One of them is such a good friend, that I wrote him the long letter you see to the right. We remain good friends despite our political differences. I love the people on the other side that are up for the rough and tumble. I used to look forward to going to work because one particular fellow worker (J.S.) was willing to go to the mat in political dialogue ... and he had the same zeal, I'm sure. I don't hate people that have opposite views. I try to make a logical argument and expect them to do the same. This is how it was in the old days ... like in the 1780's.

Now my landlord out here (K.K.), is an Obama Zombie if I ever met one (sorry, that's not really a very nice thing to say). But I don't mean it perniciously. My landlords have been gracious hosts and are both wonderful people. They are both light energy people. Like I said, I don't dislike people who disagree with me. But here is the plain fact. Vail wouldn't be here if it wasn't for late Peter W. Seibert, who hiked seven hours up a mountain with his friend Earl Eaton and had a vision and a determination to make a dream come true. Could Seibert have had the same dream under the Stalin, the freedom to pursue it under Mao, or the private property rights to develop it under Chavez? The answer is NO! I simply cannot understand how anyone can ignore the history of how the socialist and authoritarian regimes of the past have ultimately turned out. Every such regime that has ever existed ends up reducing wealth, eroding human rights, destroying property rights, destroying initiative, indoctrinating children, etc. It has never turned out well ... EVER! And for Obama to simply laugh off those who call him a socialist (and say that protesters have nothing to back up the argument) is nothing but a ploy to reassure the uninformed.

Now (K.K.) has actually plugged her ears and gone "la la la la la" when faced with the rational argument against Obamacare. It's kind of funny. I laughed out loud. Simply dismiss the attempt to communicate logically by refusing the communication all together! I guess I got a little fired up. But I don't begrudge the people on the other side of the argument, and I hope those on the other side don't begrudge me. What I'm finding though, is a pattern of dismissal right off the rip. Why? ... Does the concept of the bankruptcy of the United States of America not give pause for thought? (see chart below). What really bothers the liberal is that their stereotype of the libertarian/conservative as a hateful person does not fit the reality. It is easier to buy the lamestream media line that conservatives and tea party patriots are motivated by racism and all that garbage than it is to face the facts of our deteriorating American dream. The ecstasy of the final triumph of the progressive vision (by means of the Whitehouse political thumbscrew) is being disrupted by throngs of Americans saying, "that's way over the line." This bothers the true dyed in the wool liberal. But that's OK! What is not OK is to hate a person solely for the fact that you dislike their views or ideas. "Love thy enemy".

Below is a rational argument. The Republicans gained a majority in the 104th Congress. They reigned in Clinton's spending and actually created a surplus. (Remember: Lower taxes increase revenues to the treasury). Then Republicans lost their way, caved to the Progressives, and over spent. Now we have the Pelosi, Reed, and Obama triumvirate. Look at the chart now! It's out of control.

Libs love to say the word "sustainability." Is there anything on this chart that screams sustainability? (Remember: Higher taxes discourage economic activity and decrease revenues to the treasury). In other words, it's actually worse than the chart shows!