"The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty in peril. Today's decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead our judgment today has disregarded it."

This is the voice of the Supreme Court dissent. I stand with this dissent! I live this dissent!


Monday, August 10, 2009

My Bullhorn

Dear Mr. President,

I have quite a dilemma on my hands. I have lately been reading about your golf outings with the Vice President and Mr. Gibbs. I must confess that I am torn. I mean, I automatically respect anyone who takes up the game of golf. I believe it the be one of the most aesthetic games of all time. I believe it to be the ultimate measure of the inner journey. You also seem to have temperance in your game, something that Bill Clinton surely lacked. You seem to take it at the leisurely pace the founders of the game embraced ... that is something that Bush one and two lacked. You seem to be the kind of person I could play golf with, share a beer at the 19th hole, fervently express and argue our stark philosophical and political differences, clink our mugs together as a toast to the beauty of the freedom of expression, and part as friends.

This reminds me of a staunch leftist co-worker I used to argue with. We vehemently disagreed, but we would greet each other with respect and depart from each other with the same respect. We understood the value of the freedom in which we both operated.

Remember that Warner Bros. cartoon with Sam the sheepdog and Ralph the wolf. They would punch a time clock and play the game of "Ralph grabs sheep ... Sam rescues sheep". They would beat the crap out of each other in various scenarios for eight hours and then punch out on the time clock as cordial as could be. Well, that's you and me Mr. President.

On Czars:

My problem is this. You Mr. "Ralph" Obama are punching out on the clock and then sneaking back after dinner to take my sheep. At some point will you appoint a sheep stealing czar to do that for you? I realize that former presidents have appointed czars for specific duties. I seem to have adopted the informal definition in the past. But all of the sudden your czars seem to be taking on unprecedented power of the formal definition. Your czars are evoking the connotation of departmental autocrats. This extra-constitutional power is unacceptable.

On Race:

I have worked with many African Americans over the years. During your campaign, when discussing your candidancy with my black co-workers, I explained that I was not opposed to you because of race. I explained to them that I was opposed to you because of your IDEAS. I would then articulate what those flawed ideas were (and still are).

It is you and your party that are playing the race card. Your elitist professor friend (a victim of his own absent-mindedness) wales like a ninny when legitimately confronted; he screams racism and profiling. The media, stoked by your own hubris, runs long and hard with the story. Yet when a conservative black man in St. Louis is being beaten to a pulp by Union thugs, it is barely a story. Here's a guy that gets beat up and he doesn't have health insurance. This guy could be a poster child for your health plan. Where is the media on this one? Oh, that's right, it was your goons that beat him up. Your media whores should be ashamed of themselves. I guess it's OK to beat a black man if he happens to be conservative. That one must have come out of the Clarence Thomas playbook.

On Government Healthcare Takeover:

The American people are so much smarter and well informed than you elitists will ever believe. You are running the astroturf campaign ... not us! We Americans know that when the Federal government gets involved, quality goes down, waste increases, fraud increases, and prices go up. The government can't seem to ferret out the billions and billions of fraud in Medicare and Medicaid. Yet the government wants to bite off more! Common Sense says "NO!" We Americans are smart like that.