I believe page 92 of the 2.4 million dollars per word health care bill actually outlaws the sale of private insurance policies after 2013. This make the repetition of Obama's lie particularly disturbing ... not the one about illegals obtaining insurance ( no enforcement mechanism is the new bill either ...big surprise!) ... no, this one, "If you like your insurance plan, you keep it." Lie!
You see, the outlawing of the private sale of insurance is the fruition of communist ideals! REVOLT AMERICA!
Every American must read the low lights of this bill
Thank you Mr. Rogers for your opening remarks in congress. Take note that when Mr. Rogers says "section 141" he means to say "section 241." Section 241 outlines the creation of and duties of the Health Choices Commissioner ... appointed by ... the president of course! Yippie ... one more communist to join the ranks of the executive elite!
But don't worry folks ... the new federal bureaucracies created by the new health care bill will save money .... HA! Check out this list.
The female caller just after the 2:30 break on Rush eloquently explained how the new "carbon" currency works. The big picture is this: If Obama commits the traitorous act of signing the Copenhagen agreement, he will add to his portfolio of redistribution ideals. Not only will the United States be redistributing wealth within its borders (his current project), the United States will be obligated by treaty to redistribute its wealth outside its borders. How is that for a chill up the spine?
Update: Orwellian ... yeah, that's the word. Here is how the one world government is really going to control everything! You are nothing but a carbon machine that the government will control. I mean ... why not tax the stuff that EVERYTHING IS MADE OF!! See this article for more chills up the spine.