As time goes on, I begin taking Trump more and more seriously. And now that he has taken up the birther issue, resurrecting it from the floors of media rooms across the country, I like him even more! What about a Trump/Christie ticket? Chris Christie says that he does not feel ready for a run at the highest office. A VP run could be great for him ... and us! I still love a Christie/Bachman ticket. Of course the Dems will loop her near cross-eyed looking response to the response to the State of the Union address ... but so what? Christie would be portrayed as Governor Walker on steroids ... but so what? No matter who goes up against Obama, their character will be assassinated. This is why poor Newt may be left out of the game. Newt Gingrich or John Bolton should be the next Secretary of State. Again, Palin for Energy Secretary. Mark Steyn for Press Secretary.
Donald Trump could beat Obama. Trump is a champion of the American Way. He could run government like he would a successful real estate enterprise. Trump could be the trump card. If Trump could gain the presidency, he could retroactively force Obama to produce the birth document. If Obama fails to produce, Trump could nullify every document and executive order Obama ever signed! The burden of proof is on Obama ... not on the government. Trump could throw Kagan and Sotomayor out on their noses, nullify the unconstitutional health care legislation, and reign in much of Stage One of Obama's wealth redistribution plan.
I know Steve Learner and his ilk will pick up the ball for Obama and try to drive it home. But Trump would represent the doctor making a house-call to restore the health of the ailing patient. Trump envisions the presidency as perhaps a bucket list item for him. However, I believe that he is driven by the love of the system that has produced prosperity beyond all dreams. He wants to defend the principle that allows a free individual the ability to start from nothing and fulfill his or her dream. This system of production we have enjoyed and the abundance it provides is under attack. Trump knows this better than anyone. America and it's freedoms hastens a man or a woman to find work that he or she enjoys. When this happens, prosperity follows. Again, Trump feels this in his bones. I think he would transfer this feeling through the power of his personality. I think Trump could pull it off. Who else in the field of GOP hopefuls has the charisma and ego to take on an out of control, ego-maniacal, elitist sociopath named Obama?
It's a pretty short list
Herman Cain would be choice to nullify the great race card. I hate to think that way. But I know the games that the Left play. Herman Cain for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Goodbye Statist Sebelius!
I managed to be the last caller on the Bob Frantz show the same evening (WTAM). To swerve the conversation off of the George W. Bush speech... I mean the Obama Libya speech, I highlighted some of the points in the above post. He totally scoffed at the idea of a Trump candidacy. I got cut off because of the clock. But I wanted to simply say that Trump is bringing the issue back to the forefront. His presence will force the others to at least address the issue ... address the malfeasance of the courts regarding this issue to date.